Dick Cheney On Meet the Press – Subject: The Forged Nigerian WMD Evidence

This clip is a Dick Cheney classic.
According to Cheney, he doesn’t know anything about anything. He doesn’t know who Ambassador Joseph Wilson is. He doesn’t know who the CIA is. He must not know what a newspaper is either.
This is from the September 14, 2003 program of
Meet The Press
, hosted by Tim Russert.
(Link goes to a complete very incomplete transcript.)
Russert: “Were you briefed on his (Joseph Wilson’s) findings of February-March of 2002?”
Cheney: “No. I don’t know Joe Wilson. I’ve never met Joe Wilson…Joe Wilson? I don’t know who sent Joe Wilson. He never submitted a report that I ever saw when he came back…I don’t know Mr. Wilson. I probably shouldn’t judge him…I have no idea who hired him.”
Tim Russert: “The CIA did.”
Cheney: “Yeah but who are ‘the CIA?’ I don’t know.”
Cheney On The Forged Nigerian WMD Evidence (Small – 8 MB)

3 thoughts on “Dick Cheney On Meet the Press – Subject: The Forged Nigerian WMD Evidence

  1. Canis Lupus

    At the end of the clip, he mentions that the UK parliament affirmed the nuclear weapons claims; yet I can find nothing to back this up. The BBC is covering the Hutton Inquiry in microscopic detail (see attached url), but there’s no new evidence of nuclear weapons. The closest is the head of MI6 defending the “45 minutes” claim as “reliable” (though that still seems dubious to me in the face of the utter lack of WMD discovered) — and even he describes the government’s arms dossier as flawed and misleading.
    Sounds like more Cheney lies to me, counting on americans not to be following overseas news too closely (often a safe bet, heh).

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