Daily Show Taking This Week (and last week) Off

Hey I’ve still got ya covered on Daily Show clips. They’ve just been taking a long vacation.
Some of you expressed worry about missing out so I just want to let you know: no worries.
I do have to send my camera out for servicing, so I might get a week behind — but I’ll be recording it all and will catch up soon.

12 thoughts on “Daily Show Taking This Week (and last week) Off

  1. CW

    I just wanted to say thanks for posting all the Daily Show clips.
    I’m living in Germany right now and don’t have any other way to get access to this stuff, so I really appreciate what you’re doing.

  2. aph

    occassionally whole daily show episodes appear on suprnova.org. you’ll need a bit torrent client though.. while on the topic, is anyone aware of a bit torrent site for Creative Commons/copyleft content other than v2v.indymedia.org?

  3. ben

    thanks for the clips keep em coming
    and what does everyone think or know about the USA Patriot Act and the proposed Victory Act?
    just wonderin

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