Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society

Here’s the entry about the other July 31st Howard Dean event I attended that goes with this one.

This SF Medical Society event was more intimate to say the least. Although the place was packed, our crew had the only video cameras there. It was obvious that Dean felt comfortable in a room full of doctors. There was a nice spread of food and wine and many people were meeting Dean for the first time. Some people had only even heard of him a week or two earlier.
I had a “volunteer” name tag waiting for me (my first!)

It made me feel like I was part of the official campaign. (As it turns out, I was. As “official” as the Dean campaign gets, anyway.)
After his speech, I had a chance to talk to him a bit about his blogging on Larry’s blog and Creative Commons. I managed to record it on video, although the angle could have been better. You can see me kind of position myself for my handshake attack and hone in on my target. (Almost missed him!) (Small – 3 MB)
Here’s his speech in complete and three-part versions:
Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society – Complete (Small – 71 MB)
Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society – Part 1 of 3 (Small – 29 MB)
Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society – Part 2 of 3 (Small – 21 MB)
Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society – Part 3 of 3 (Small – 22 MB)
Audio – Dean At the SF Medical Society – All (MP3 – 42 MB)

8 thoughts on “Howard Dean At The SF Medical Society

  1. Sheila Ramsey

    Please help me understand why you, as a progressive voice, would support Howard Dean over Dennis Kucinich. At first glance I thought Dean was a progressive because of his views on issues such as the Iraqui war, health care and even his support for gay unions. But at closer look, I find his plans aren’t quite what I thought. He seems to want to continue massive financial support to Israel; his health care proposal does not include single payer health care for all; and his support for gay unions would be left up to each state. Kucinich, although he struggled like most Americans with the issue of abortion, is the only candidate who has said it must be a requirement for supreme court nominees. His labor voting record is impeachable. Kucinich seems to be the only progressive running. Perhaps, like many, who actually prefer the Kucinich platform, you think he’s ‘unelectable’. But let’s remember that many thought the same of Abraham Lincoln. So, please, tell me where I find information that would have me choose the Clinton Democrat over the FDR progressive. We really need a paradigm shift, not just a return to a now dying “liberalism”.
    Thank you.
    Sheila Ramsey

  2. Sheila Ramsey

    Please help me understand why you, as a progressive voice, would support Howard Dean over Dennis Kucinich. At first glance I thought Dean was a progressive because of his views on issues such as the Iraqui war, health care and even his support for gay unions. But at closer look, I find his plans aren’t quite what I thought. He seems to want to continue massive financial support to Israel; his health care proposal does not include single payer health care for all; and his support for gay unions would be left up to each state. Kucinich, although he struggled like most Americans with the issue of abortion, is the only candidate who has said it must be a requirement for supreme court nominees. His labor voting record is impeachable. Kucinich seems to be the only progressive running. Perhaps, like many, who actually prefer the Kucinich platform, you think he’s ‘unelectable’. But let’s remember that many thought the same of Abraham Lincoln. So, please, tell me where I find information that would have me choose the Clinton Democrat over the FDR progressive. We really need a paradigm shift, not just a return to a now dying “liberalism”.
    Thank you.
    Sheila Ramsey


    The only reason the little trol is running for president is because (by his own admission) he is a failed congressman. This whole “campaign” is nothing more than a public relations pitch to enhance his name among the politically powerful. His modus operandi is obvious; focus on and attract those people who are so far out in left field (beyond the foul poll) so as to offer a corner of the political market to whichever democrat gets the nomination. Thankfully, in his desperate attempt to enhance his name nationally, he has diminished it locally and after the November 2004 congressional election his political career will have finally come to an end.


    The only reason the little trol is running for president is because (by his own admission) he is a failed congressman. This whole “campaign” is nothing more than a public relations pitch to enhance his name among the politically powerful. His modus operandi is obvious; focus on and attract those people who are so far out in left field (beyond the foul poll) so as to offer a corner of the political market to whichever democrat gets the nomination. Thankfully, in his desperate attempt to enhance his name nationally, he has diminished it locally and after the November 2004 congressional election his political career will have finally come to an end.

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