Video and Audio Of Cecilia Chang At Friday 13th INS Protest

This footage is from the protest in front of the INS building that took place from noon to 1pm at 444 Washington Street in San Francisco on June 13, 2003.
Speaker: Cecilia Chang
Organization: Justice For New Americans
Cecilia Chang in San Francisco (Small – 10 MB)
Audio – Cecilia Chang in San Francisco (MP3 – 3 MB)

Cecilia Chang, Justice For New Americans

(Excerpt) Today I’m speaking on behalf of all new Americans. “New Americans” is anybody in this country who are looked at as foreigners even though they are U.S. Citizens…to ask the U.S. government to treat them with justice…I am here to represent many of these new immigrants.
This country. This country is made up of Americans. What’s going here? We are forgetting the fact that America is made up of immigrants and we are now deporting the law abiding immigrants and asking them to go home.

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