The Daily Show’s Lewis Black On The New Tax Cuts For The Rich

According to the IRS Website, thanks to the extra $400 you might be able to get for each kid this summer, parenting doesn’t have to be the same old thankless, pain in the ass of an experience:

In the summer of 2003, your kids could be memorable for more than just a skinned knee, a stray dog, or a boyfriend with an earring. This summer your kids could be the reason you get a special check from Uncle Sam! And all you have to do is cash it.

By the way, there are parts of this bit that Lewis Black isn’t kidding about. There really is a baby surrounded by money on the cover of the IRS Website.
Here’s a link to the
other section of the IRS website he pokes fun at. (Yes I’ve saved a picture of it in case they take it down, but right now you can look for yourself.)
Lewis Black On The New Tax Cuts (Small – 9 MB)
Lewis Black On The New Tax Cuts (Hi-Res – 115 MB)

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