The Wolfowitz Loose Cannon Continues

Note that there has now been a Correction and Clarification posted, and the article has been removed. Except that the correction doesn’t say that any of the words that Wolfowitz was reported as saying were incorrect, only that the magazine’s interpretation of them was incorrect.
Luckily we’ll always have a copy of the article right here.
And now, on with my original post…
For the life of me, I can’t understand why Paul Wolfowitz is blowing the whistle on his own administration like this. (See above note, this is only a logical crazed interpretation and is not what he really meant to say. So with that in mind, let’s get back to my little rant, shall we?) Is he so mad with power he thinks it won’t matter? Is he simply mad in general, and perhaps he doesn’t even realize the implications of what he is saying? Is this part of some greater scheme to prove to the rest of the world that the American public will tolerate this kind of behavior so he can go do the same thing in other parts of the world? (Presumably with the American people’s blessing?)
I can’t figure it out, but it sure is fun to watch. These days, I’ll take little sputters of truth from this administration any way I can get them 🙂

2 thoughts on “The Wolfowitz Loose Cannon Continues

  1. j.a.m.

    WRONG AGAIN: “A report which was posted on our website on June 4 under the heading “Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil” misconstrued remarks made by the US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, making it appear that he had said that oil was the main reason for going to war in Iraq. He did not say that.”

  2. Richard Bennett

    Putting words into Wolfowitz’ mouth seems to be the favorite past time of the pro-Saddam element these days.
    Roger Simon suggests this is anti-Semitism, but I don’t know about that. It’s probably just stupidity to think they can actually get away with it.

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