Come To This Saturday’s Free Concert For Peace in Golden Gate Park

I’ll be talking about this all week long because I’m helping out a bit to organize the event. Do me a big favor and SHOW UP if you’re in town, ok? It might even be worth making a trip for, if all works out like I think it’s going to…
Michael Franti (Spearhead) will be performing!
(Download Spearhead’s new single there, “Bomb the World”!)
We still haven’t gotten all of the confirmations in yet, so I can’t say yet who else might be playing. (And there may still be room in the lineup for you too — if you’ve got only a song or two and minimal setup requirements 🙂
Here’s the “official” info so far (including an ever-growing list of all the organizations supporting this event):
Mother’s Day SPEAK UP for PEACE
A multi-cultural Mother’s Day program of music, poetry, dance and personal
testimony about the war and the path to world peace.
Saturday May 10 in Golden Gate Park. San Francisco
As Bush prepares to state officially that the war in Iraq is over, we must continue our effort to promote peace and kinship among people at home & around the world as the solution to international conflicts, Not military aggression. Equally we must stand up for our communities and remind our leaders that we will not be distracted from the crises at home by continuous crises abroad.
All over the world, mothers represent creation and nurturing. In the spirit of Mother’s Day, we are calling on mothers and other members of our community to speak out against war and in favor of peace.
We are putting together a great program for a great day in the park with music culture and personal testimony
to celebrate Mother’s Day and to nourish us all for the struggle ahead. PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A PART OF THE DAY! & RSVP Quickly
For Mother’s Day – SPEAK UP for PEACE
Bring our sons and daughters home now!
Another world is possible.
US out of Iraq!
On Saturday, May 10th, beginning at 1:00 p.m., a broad coalition of peace and social justice organizations will sponsor a Speak Up for Peace rally and cultural celebration in Lindley Meadow in Golden Gate Park (off JFK Drive).
A diverse group of people who have been deeply and personally affected by the war in Iraq will make short statements. Music and spoken word culture will be provided by renowned artists such as Michael Franti, Diskart Namin, Andrea Pritchard and many more. This family-friendly gathering is free, though contributions will be greatly appreciated.
A Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area United Against War, Code Pink,
Not in Our Name, United for Peace & Justice,
American Friends Service Committee SF
Bethany United Methodist Church
California Peace Action
Campus Anti-War Network
Catholics for Peace
Chinese Progressive Association
Coffee House Teach-In’s
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Companeros del Barrio
Filipinos for Global Justice not War Coalition
Freedom Socialist Party
Global Exchange
Harvey Milk Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual & Transexual Democratic Club
International ANSWER
Labor Committee for Peace and Justice
Out Against the War
Peace and Freedom Party
Pride at Work, AFL-CIO
Radical Women
SF Labor Council,
Socialist Action
Socialist Organizer
Socialist Viewpoint Magazine
US Labor Against War
Vanguard Foundation
and many more
For more information: (JVP) 510 465 1777 (BAUAW) 415-824-8730; (Code Pink) 415-575-5555; (UfPJ) 415-565-0201; (NION) 510-444-NION

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