The Truth About The Domestic Security Enhancement Act (Patriot II)

Attention U.S. Citizens (Yes all of you):
This new and improved Patriot Act will make it legal to strip you of your citizenship without even telling you or anyone else what you’re being charged with. You can be denied of ALL your rights (much less your right to due process or a lawyer) and locked up indefinitely.
And what crime might you have committed to cause this to happen?
I’m sorry, that would be classified information. We live in a country of secret laws now. Laws that were voted on by Congress and posted publicly for all to see are a thing of the past.
Everything’s changed since 911, you see…
Sure it’s unconstitutional. Without a doubt it’s unconstitutional.
But it could take years for legislation like this to make its way up through the courts, and if the people being accused and incarcerated under this law aren’t allowed to have a laywer and aren’t given the right to plead his or her case, how will these cases ever get a chance to work their way anywhere?
Due process and freedom of expression are what used to make the United States “America.” We are losing both at a rapid rate.
While we are off “liberating” other countries, our own country and even the most basic of our freedoms are being stolen right out from under our noses.
And all in broad daylight, with everybody watching.
Justice Dept. Drafts Sweeping Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Act
Center Publishes Secret Draft of

2 thoughts on “The Truth About The Domestic Security Enhancement Act (Patriot II)

  1. Adam Rice

    While Patriot II stinks worse than a dead skunk, still, the Mike Hawash (and Jose Padilla, and so on) case makes it clear that they don’t need this new law to disappear people for no apparent reason.

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