Lots Of Stuff On The Way Today…

Okay sorry for the light postings yesterday. Sometimes it’s easier for me to crunch more video clips if I do a bunch of them at once and kind of get into a rhythm of sorts.
In the kitty: Chris Rock on the Daily Show, Paul McCartney chills out a bit for the Pope (but gets in a funny), more Daily Show updates on my country’s beligerent Secretary of Defense and new found McCarthyesque trends, and a clip from a 1974 Rockford Files episode that won’t need any explaination once you see it for yourself.
I’ve got a bit of reading to do for school (that I won’t do if I don’t do it before I start posting because I know how I am) and then the games will begin…

2 thoughts on “Lots Of Stuff On The Way Today…

  1. Kristin

    I am trying to find a clip of kelly preston from the daily show on April 2nd – do you have that posted somewhere?
    Thanks in advance

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