New Michael Moore Movie In The Works

Michael Moore plans Bush-bin Laden film

“The senior Bush kept his ties with the bin Laden family up until two months after Sept. 11,” said Moore.
Moore told Variety the primary focus of the new project will be to examine what has happened to the United States since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. He accused the Bush administration of using a tragic event to push its agenda.
“It (the new project) certainly does deal with the Bush and bin Laden ties,” said Moore. “It asks a number of questions that I don’t have the answers to yet, but which I intend to find out.”
Moore said he expects the new movie to be in U.S. theaters in time for the 2004 presidential election…
“I expressed exactly what was in the film and instead of being blacklisted, I’ve not only gotten a deal to fund ‘Fahrenheit 911’ but offers on the film after,” he said. “Presales on (‘Bowling for Columbine’s’) video release ran ahead of ‘Chicago’ this week, and my book is returning to the top spot on the New York Times best-seller list.”
Moore said the success of his documentary and book reflects majority public support for his political argument.
“It’s because the majority of Americans agree with me, see the economy in the toilet and didn’t vote for George W,” he said. “People are now realizing you can question your government while still caring about the soldiers.”

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Michael Moore plans Bush-bin Laden film
From the Life & Mind Desk
Published 3/28/2003 4:00 PM
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LOS ANGELES, March 28 (UPI) — Filmmaker Michael Moore’s next project might be more controversial than his Oscar-winning documentary “Bowling for Columbine.”
According to a report in Friday’s Daily Variety, Moore is working on a documentary about the “the murky relationship” between former President George Bush and the family of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. The paper said the movie, “Fahrenheit 911,” will suggest that the bin Laden family profited greatly from the association.
Moore’s anti-war, anti-Bush Oscar acceptance speech provoked a mixture of cheers and boos at the Academy Awards last Sunday.
In addition to the Best Documentary Oscar, “Bowling for Columbine” also had an extraordinarily robust bottom line. Made for about $3 million, it has grossed nearly $40 million worldwide — making it one of the most commercially successful documentaries of all time.
Variety reported that Moore is working out a deal with Mel Gibson’s production company, Icon Productions, to finance “Fahrenheit 911.”
According to Moore, the former president had a business relationship with Osama bin Laden’s father, Mohammed bin Laden, a Saudi construction magnate who left $300 million to Osama bin Laden. It has been widely reported that bin Laden used the inheritance to finance global terrorism.
Moore said the bin Laden family was heavily invested in the Carlyle Group, a private global investment firm that the filmmaker said frequently buys failing defense companies and then sells them at a profit. Former President Bush has reportedly served as a senior adviser with the firm.
“The senior Bush kept his ties with the bin Laden family up until two months after Sept. 11,” said Moore.
Moore told Variety the primary focus of the new project will be to examine what has happened to the United States since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. He accused the Bush administration of using a tragic event to push its agenda.
“It (the new project) certainly does deal with the Bush and bin Laden ties,” said Moore. “It asks a number of questions that I don’t have the answers to yet, but which I intend to find out.”
Moore said he expects the new movie to be in U.S. theaters in time for the 2004 presidential election.
While some critics accused Moore of being anti-American for his Oscar speech, Moore told Variety business has been very good for his movie and his best-selling book “Stupid White Men: And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation.”
“I expressed exactly what was in the film and instead of being blacklisted, I’ve not only gotten a deal to fund ‘Fahrenheit 911’ but offers on the film after,” he said. “Presales on (‘Bowling for Columbine’s’) video release ran ahead of ‘Chicago’ this week, and my book is returning to the top spot on the New York Times best-seller list.”
Moore said the success of his documentary and book reflects majority public support for his political argument.
“It’s because the majority of Americans agree with me, see the economy in the toilet and didn’t vote for George W,” he said. “People are now realizing you can question your government while still caring about the soldiers.”

18 thoughts on “New Michael Moore Movie In The Works

  1. Derek

    So what if Bush, Sr. had ties to the Bin Laden family? Maybe Moore (or others) haven’t read it, but Osama is pretty much the black sheep of the family. There is, IIRC, a brother of Osama, who lives in Boston and is like a HUGE benefactor to the city, taking HIS share of the family inheritance and putting it to good use in the community. I remember reading in an interview with the Boston Bin Ladens after 9/11, that they were talking about how hard it is having to constantly distance themselves from what they essentially view as “their nutjob brother”.
    Let Moore spin his wheels, though, he’ll go nuts with it, and destroy his own credibility in one fell swoop.

  2. narbe' mansourian

    This Goliath of War
    Goliath has once more roared
    Obsessed to speak with hate and blood
    Nodding its head to Guilty God
    Proceeds to march on the ignored!
    He has again shown his face
    Visage reddened with disgrace
    marred with scars of perished past
    and a dark shadow is cast.
    Under pretense of “One Nation”,
    He waves a flag of Martyrdom;
    Though sole colors of Unity
    Are those humming Humanity.
    Venomous vultures circling upon
    Children begging intervention;
    But the only meager mention
    is the way they were spat on.
    He has thus coerced the blind
    to serve the heads of humankind
    on platters ladden with greed
    and a propaganda seed.
    To tolerate furthermore
    This nonesensical Bush of War,
    is to endorse silently
    the genocide of Humanity!
    Narbe’ M. 3/22/03

  3. Monkey sue

    Right! DEREK probably wouldn’t be saying all that if he realized that between Sept 11 and Sept 13th, when all flights were grounded by the FAA, that members of the Bin Laden family were picked up in a Saudi lear-jet from locations all around america, and quickly flown out of the country before the FBI could ask them any questions. Furthermore the White House FORBID them from contacting members of the Bin Laden family.
    11 of the 15 high-jackers came from Saudi Arabia, so why is it in Afghanistan that we dropped the bombs?
    Did you know that in 1997 the Taliban were guests of Unocal Oil and Cheney’s Halliburton, at their Texas HQ in Houston?
    All this and more is very suspiricous

  4. Mirage

    Geez.. isn’t it amazing????? all you Demoboobs can do is rant and rave about Bush and big oil… not a word about Slick willie when he gave the chinese the technology they needed to build missiles that would reach us. Not a word about all the campaign cash that came from them and God knows who else. All this crap about how much it cost us for Bush to land on an aircraft carrier.. can anyone say Slick Willies haircut that cost how many thousands????? give me a break.

  5. Mirage

    Geez.. isn’t it amazing????? all you Demoboobs can do is rant and rave about Bush and big oil… not a word about Slick willie when he gave the chinese the technology they needed to build missiles that would reach us. Not a word about all the campaign cash that came from them and God knows who else. All this crap about how much it cost us for Bush to land on an aircraft carrier.. can anyone say Slick Willies haircut that cost how many thousands????? give me a break.

  6. FooBoy

    Considering Moore has spent over a year already researching for this film alone, let alone the research it took to make ‘Bowling For Columbine’ and writing ‘Stupid White Men’, people like Derek should think twice before assuming that Michael Moore hasn’t read a few simple facts. Rather, given facts like those that ‘Monkey Sue’ gave (along with many more listed in ‘Stupid White Men’), it seems it is Derek and fellow people who follow the American Government blindly and unquestioning who lack the basic facts. I urge you to take a look around, don’t necessarily trust what is sold to you in the media by The Bush Administration.

  7. ragnar0k

    It seems Mirage thinks that there is some connection between what he said about Clinton and the current arguments against Bush. You cannot refute evidence against bush by asking a completely unrelated question. That’s just Logic101. Maybe if you are so offended, you could do some research about these things instead of just changing the subject when you become uncomfortable and unable to offer counterarguments.
    Michael Moore does excellent and extensive research for his films. There are many more very sketchy things surrounding Sept 11 such as why the White house waited almost 1 hour before scrambling fighter jets. Even though 4 planes had been hijacked, an unprecendented event, they didnt seem to think it was necessary to send up fighter planes. It is also strange that it was the CIA itself who fostered islamic fundamentalism in order to try to create a global jihand agains the USSR. Funny enough, it was the US that trained most of the freedom fighters (until 9/11) who are now terrorists (after 9-11). The mujahadeen were regularly invited to DC and London during the societ invasion. Terrorism was ok then, but its not now that they have been with us.
    Its also funny that the embassy bombings in africa, after forensic tests were done, were bombed by explosives from the US army. Thats interesting to say the least. It’s also interesting that the government had full knowledge of 9/11 and let it happen on purpose, simiar to us knowing about Pearl Harbor and intentionally not warning Hawaii and then pretending it was this surprise attack so that the country would be scared into supporting a war that previously nobody wanted to get involved due to american isolationism at the time.

  8. ragnar0k

    It seems Mirage thinks that there is some connection between what he said about Clinton and the current arguments against Bush. You cannot refute evidence against bush by asking a completely unrelated question. That’s just Logic101. Maybe if you are so offended, you could do some research about these things instead of just changing the subject when you become uncomfortable and unable to offer counterarguments.
    Michael Moore does excellent and extensive research for his films. There are many more very sketchy things surrounding Sept 11 such as why the White house waited almost 1 hour before scrambling fighter jets. Even though 4 planes had been hijacked, an unprecendented event, they didnt seem to think it was necessary to send up fighter planes. It is also strange that it was the CIA itself who fostered islamic fundamentalism in order to try to create a global jihand agains the USSR. Funny enough, it was the US that trained most of the freedom fighters (until 9/11) who are now terrorists (after 9-11). The mujahadeen were regularly invited to DC and London during the societ invasion. Terrorism was ok then, but its not now that they have been with us.
    Its also funny that the embassy bombings in africa, after forensic tests were done, were bombed by explosives from the US army. Thats interesting to say the least. It’s also interesting that the government had full knowledge of 9/11 and let it happen on purpose, simiar to us knowing about Pearl Harbor and intentionally not warning Hawaii and then pretending it was this surprise attack so that the country would be scared into supporting a war that previously nobody wanted to get involved due to american isolationism at the time.

  9. ragnar0k

    It seems Mirage thinks that there is some connection between what he said about Clinton and the current arguments against Bush. You cannot refute evidence against bush by asking a completely unrelated question. That’s just Logic101. Maybe if you are so offended, you could do some research about these things instead of just changing the subject when you become uncomfortable and unable to offer counterarguments.
    Michael Moore does excellent and extensive research for his films. There are many more very sketchy things surrounding Sept 11 such as why the White house waited almost 1 hour before scrambling fighter jets. Even though 4 planes had been hijacked, an unprecendented event, they didnt seem to think it was necessary to send up fighter planes. It is also strange that it was the CIA itself who fostered islamic fundamentalism in order to try to create a global jihand agains the USSR. Funny enough, it was the US that trained most of the freedom fighters (until 9/11) who are now terrorists (after 9-11). The mujahadeen were regularly invited to DC and London during the societ invasion. Terrorism was ok then, but its not now that they have been with us.
    Its also funny that the embassy bombings in africa, after forensic tests were done, were bombed by explosives from the US army. Thats interesting to say the least. It’s also interesting that the government had full knowledge of 9/11 and let it happen on purpose, simiar to us knowing about Pearl Harbor and intentionally not warning Hawaii and then pretending it was this surprise attack so that the country would be scared into supporting a war that previously nobody wanted to get involved due to american isolationism at the time.

  10. ragnar0k

    It seems Mirage thinks that there is some connection between what he said about Clinton and the current arguments against Bush. You cannot refute evidence against bush by asking a completely unrelated question. That’s just Logic101. Maybe if you are so offended, you could do some research about these things instead of just changing the subject when you become uncomfortable and unable to offer counterarguments.
    Michael Moore does excellent and extensive research for his films. There are many more very sketchy things surrounding Sept 11 such as why the White house waited almost 1 hour before scrambling fighter jets. Even though 4 planes had been hijacked, an unprecendented event, they didnt seem to think it was necessary to send up fighter planes. It is also strange that it was the CIA itself who fostered islamic fundamentalism in order to try to create a global jihand agains the USSR. Funny enough, it was the US that trained most of the freedom fighters (until 9/11) who are now terrorists (after 9-11). The mujahadeen were regularly invited to DC and London during the societ invasion. Terrorism was ok then, but its not now that they have been with us.
    Its also funny that the embassy bombings in africa, after forensic tests were done, were bombed by explosives from the US army. Thats interesting to say the least. It’s also interesting that the government had full knowledge of 9/11 and let it happen on purpose, simiar to us knowing about Pearl Harbor and intentionally not warning Hawaii and then pretending it was this surprise attack so that the country would be scared into supporting a war that previously nobody wanted to get involved due to american isolationism at the time.

  11. divide and conquer

    George W. Bush has stated he’d prefer to be a dictator at least three times, according to
    “You don’t get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.” Describing what it’s like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98)
    — From Paul Begala’s “Is Our Children Learning?”
    “I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don’t agree with each other, but that’s OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” Bush joked.
    —, December 18, 2000
    “A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it, ” [Bush] said.
    — Business Week, July 30, 2001 thanks a loyal reader for compiling this chronology.
    October 29, 2002

  12. divide and conquer

    George W. Bush has stated he’d prefer to be a dictator at least three times, according to
    “You don’t get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.” Describing what it’s like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98)
    — From Paul Begala’s “Is Our Children Learning?”
    “I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don’t agree with each other, but that’s OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” Bush joked.
    —, December 18, 2000
    “A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it, ” [Bush] said.
    — Business Week, July 30, 2001 thanks a loyal reader for compiling this chronology.
    October 29, 2002

  13. divide and conquer

    George W. Bush has stated he’d prefer to be a dictator at least three times, according to
    “You don’t get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier.” Describing what it’s like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98)
    — From Paul Begala’s “Is Our Children Learning?”
    “I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don’t agree with each other, but that’s OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” Bush joked.
    —, December 18, 2000
    “A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it, ” [Bush] said.
    — Business Week, July 30, 2001 thanks a loyal reader for compiling this chronology.
    October 29, 2002

  14. vicman

    micheal moore never said the bin ladens should have been arrested. he said they should have been questioned just like family members are in any mass murder investigation. don’t you think the special private jet treatment was at least a little shady?

  15. vicman

    micheal moore never said the bin ladens should have been arrested. he said they should have been questioned just like family members are in any mass murder investigation. don’t you think the special private jet treatment was at least a little shady?

  16. George Bushes seniP

    George bush is guilty of murder, rape, destruction of our economy and killing our own soldiers for a ficticous oil war boiled with propaganda, that he later had rumsfield deny ever proclaiming “Huh? WMD in Iraq? Naw, i never said that, must have been a doppleganger”.
    Yeah right moron.
    Also, Dubya is hearby charged with this:
    The economy is improving for first class citizens about 20 percent.
    And it is removing many jobs from the country.
    in columbia city indiana, 3 factories shut down over last fall/winter, 6 in fort wayne, 2 in warsaw, 2 in south whitley, and thats about 2,000+ workers laid off.
    so where the hell are our jobs?
    Then he says its good for the economy to send jobs overseas – it IS!!! for the rich.
    Nike for example was caught in a scam involving a singapore sweatshop, paying the slaves 32 cents a month or something like that. of course its good for the economy, the company gets over 1,000 percent profit!
    Now, back to the 76% of america that makes less than 24k a year, more specificly, the 11% unemployed, or the 40% that makes less than 11k a year?
    so uh… jobs? anyone?

  17. Man of the world

    The Democrate who created the least amount of Jobs was Kennedy. However he still created more than any other Republican. Comming ahead of Nixon and Reagan. The Rest werent even close. George Bush #2 is dead last except for Hoover. What a disaster. Kerry-2004

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