U.S. Troops Using Depleted Uranium On Basra

I can’t believe the U.S. is doing this again. We know now that are undisputed connections between some of the ‘Gulf War Syndromes’ of our own veterans and the United States’ use of depleted uranium during the first Gulf War.
This puts our troops that are over there in danger too!
USWAR/US-led troops used depleted uranium in Basra: report

US and American troops on Sunday used
depleted uranium during their shelling of Basra in southern Iraq,
news resources inside Iraq told IRNA.
They used the weapons to destroy Russian-made T-72 tanks, they
said, adding heavy clashes were going on among ground forces of the
warring sides at 14:00 Tehran time (9:30 GMT).
The Qatari TV broadcaster Al-Jazeera has said that at least 50
civilians had been killed in the bombardment of suburbs of Basra.

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
Shalamcheh, March 23, IRNA — US and American troops on Sunday used
depleted uranium during their shelling of Basra in southern Iraq,
news resources inside Iraq told IRNA.
They used the weapons to destroy Russian-made T-72 tanks, they
said, adding heavy clashes were going on among ground forces of the
warring sides at 14:00 Tehran time (9:30 GMT).
The Qatari TV broadcaster Al-Jazeera has said that at least 50
civilians had been killed in the bombardment of suburbs of Basra.
The US-led forces were reportedly bypassing Basra in their march
on Baghdad after they said they were tightening the noose around
the metropolis, Iraq’s second city, in the south. The strategic port
city is strongly defended by Iraq’s 51st mechanized division.
Head of the Doha-based US Central Command, General Tommy Franks,
has been quoted as saying that “our intent is not to move through and
create a military confrontation in that city.”
There are also reports that US and British forces were trying to
negotiate the “peaceful” fall of the city and surrender of Iraqi
US and British warplanes intensively bombarded Basra and its
suburbs through the Saturday night.
The Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI)
said that US-led troops had gained the control of the oil refinery
in Basra.
SAIRI also said the forces had launched missiles on the Marine
Science Academy in Basra, inflicting heavy damage. The Iraqi
opposition group further said some 18 Iraqi security agents, including
four officers, had been killed in a US-British air attack on the city

One thought on “U.S. Troops Using Depleted Uranium On Basra

  1. Justin

    Worth noting that interviews with Iraqi civilians before have blamed pretty much all birth defects in kids born in the last 11 years, and cancers in older citizens, on the use of depleted uranium. It sounds like that’s a Well-Known “Fact” (ie. often-repeated, regardless of whether we think it’s true or not) over there.
    So not a good way to go about getting the Iraqi civilians on side!

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