Lenny Kravitz Releases Anti-War Song On Rock The Vote

Congrats to Lenny Kravitz for finding a way to both express himself while reminding us of the single thing we can do together as a united community against the WAR that will have a direct effect on our country’s future in the years ahead:
vote him out of office in 2004!
(And by voting as many of “his people” out in all the little elections at every step along the way. )
(Um. When’s that next election again?:)
Here’s what this is all about.

Rock the Vote and Lenny Kravitz today announced a new song by Kravitz called “We Want Peace,” which is available exclusively at Rock the Vote’s website, http://www.rockthevote.org.
The song, which says, “There won’t be peace if we don’t try” is an urgent call from Kravitz for America to be a peaceful leader in the world. Kravitz wrote the song and performed it with Kazem Al Sahir, Iraq

9 thoughts on “Lenny Kravitz Releases Anti-War Song On Rock The Vote

  1. karen young

    Wow – Finally we get a true glimpse of an artist with vision. Thank you for standing up – speaking out, being seen, being heard, being brave. I suspect many other musicians don’t have the guts to risk what they think would affect their careers. Most Americans understand very little about the Middle East and our government’s bullshit foreign policy there. But words and music can reach minds and open hearts. You have the power to do this. Keep it going – keep sending the message of peace, love, unity…..

  2. Jessie Gregor

    hi i’m doing a report for my reading finals. for this project, i need a copy of the lyrics to this song [lenny kravitz’s ‘we want peace’], and i would be extreamly happy if you could pleeeaasssee e-mail them to me.

  3. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

  4. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

  5. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

  6. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

  7. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

  8. nic

    hi, does anyone know how to decode the lyrics of a song? im currently doing a study entitled “A global condemnation of US strategy in Iraq as manifested through political music” and i have to know the basics of decoding.. please anyone if you know some good books.. thanks!

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