Michael Moore Comes Through At The Oscars

Ha! Another media disinformation campaign. A friend was telling me how he was hearing that “everyone was booing” when Moore took advantage of this rare opportunity to sneak some truth out to the nation.
You can listen and decide for yourself, but I hear as much clapping as booing as our fearless leader, right on schedule, says what needed to be said.
I don’t even know if this is a complete clip yet, but I wanted to make it available for you asap: Michael Moore At The Oscars
There’s a video stream of Q and A with Michael afterwards here too.
(Thanks to The Rattler and Kevin Burton for help finding this stuff.)

5 thoughts on “Michael Moore Comes Through At The Oscars

  1. George Butcher

    As soon as we own Iraq, America should go after Turkey and Syria. Turkey has not obeyed our commands. We pay them good money to be our puppets and yet they will not do as we command. It is time for regime change in Turkey. As for Syria, I believe these are the real criminals behind Osama Bin Laden. It is time for regime change in Syria. We must do this to protect freedom and democracy. Our humanitarian bombing is necessary to save the world. As soon as we own the world, it will be safe for all who support America.

  2. Brian

    Own the world???? Who are you??? G. Butcher or G. Bush??? You’re nothing but a patetic control freak trying to play world as if it were a video game… WAKE UP!

  3. greg stomberg

    i read bush is a convicted thief and a convicted drunk, is this true? or more lies from m moore? let me know

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