Repubs Slash Veterans Benefits

How can the Shrub Administration proudly send our boys and girls off to war, while quietly cutting their benefits by billions at the same time?


Budget Committee Blueprint Cuts Veterans Health Care and Other Benefits
by Nearly $25 Billion

Congressman Lane Evans (D-IL), the Ranking Democratic Member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, today said the budget adopted by the House Budget Committee would mean drastic reductions in funding for veterans

4 thoughts on “Repubs Slash Veterans Benefits

  1. alice

    Do you have some contact info on this?? Are the cuts tacked onto this bill to raise opposition in general?? Got any suggestions for public relations outcry noise?? Now is the time…for media presentation with the men and women facing death in the service right now. And potential the govt can alter their earned “benefit” pkg!!??

  2. James E. Baskin

    Well now, it really looks like the Republicans’ in total want to really denigrate ALL the Veterans’who have done their ALL for this great land of ours. But first let’s bow our heads and pray for those departed souls lost in combat so they can feel a little less sorry they died WAY too soon to see exactly what this “government” is doing to the ones’ left alive. Do you think for one moment that those of us still alive and having served in wars will forget this? NO WAY! We will be once again on the froint lines telling ALL the men and women who want to join either for patriotism or to get a college education that it’s not worth your time. Why? because there may not be one crumb left to them. I paid my dues in a hell hole called Vietnam and thanks to the most DISHONORABLE McNAMARA and his cronies, we bled and died for absolutely nothing and HE KNEW IT! DISGRACEFUL. By the way, where were his young relatives during that time? Maybe the next time you want to send young men and women into harm’s way, you’ll stop and consider the cost they pay for YOU TO SIT IN MY HOUSE ON THE HILL AND TAKE AWAY WHAT WE EARNED. Only a handful of our Senators’ and Congressmen served in the military. How did they vote I wonder? You live so extravagantly and have all the amenities you could ask for. Us? We have to BEG for what is rightfully ours’. I’m totally ashamed of the way you treat us, and I will not forget who votes against any decrease in benefits. As a matter of fact, I challenge every damn one of you to go to a VA hospital one day only, sit there incognito and WATCH how we get treated. Remember this, WE VOTE ALSO and there are a hell of a lot of us. You think the peace movement can get organized, just piss us off and see what happens! Jim Baskin

  3. George Newton

    Having read the above article all I can say it is not the politicians that should be ashamed of the proposed cuts but all those Veterans who did not vote in your last Election, As a Australian Veteran we are facing the same cuts to our Veterans bill here, but the politicians know that they cannot fool around to much with us, because voting is compulsory in Australia and at Election time a few votes can swing the vote in favour of the opposition, imagine if all 168,000 veterans that are possibly going to be refused their entitlements had voted at your last election what the outcome would have been,Freedom to choose is not a right it has to be earned and if you did not vote do not whinge. So get out there organise yourselves and vote the number of veterans you have is almost equal to the total turnout of voters in state and federal elections.

  4. James McElfresh

    SO why are we vets surprised? Typical republican pukes. Here’s an idea have the politicians cut their benefits. They make me sick! We need a million man vet march into washington DC.

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