Wish That Was All Folks…

Ug. There’s a bunch more footage from yesterday worth preserving.
I’m not sure if I’m going to go get more footage of the protests today. From what I can tell, it’s still “goin’ on” downtown. (In fact, I’m a bit worried because my friend Kevin went without me around 9am this morning and I haven’t heard from him since… — he’s OK.)
The footage I saw on TV last night was downright confrontational (between the cops and the protesters as a faction of them tried to take over the Bay Bridge) — and not necessarily anything I want to personally participate in (although it would be interesting to film it, I suppose).
Yes I recorded footage from it on my VCR at home — but first things first…
Let’s see if I get the rest of yesterday’s footage up, and then I’ll take it from there…

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