0wnz0red Gl0ssary

Joey DeVilla has created an 0wnz0red Glossary to go with Cory’s latest story.

Here is the entire text of the glossary, in case the link goes bad:
An annotation for Cory Doctorow’s “0wnz0red” (page 1)
You’ve read Cory Doctorow’s wonderful little short story, “0wnz0red”, but got lost in the jargon and hacker cultural folderol. What’s a layperson to do? Well, for starters, you can read my annotation…
If you haven’t seen it yet, go to Salon and read Cory Doctorow’s 0wnz0red.
0wnz0red, like Cory, is steeped in the culture and lingo of the high-tech world, and just in case you got lost, you can consult my handy-dandy annotation. This is the first installment, which covers page one. It’s going to take me a while to annotate it completely, as the story’s a dense dwarf star of Silicon valley folderol. The terms are listed in order of their appearance, unless a supplementary definition is required.
(Special note to my programmer friends, especially Dan: this is written for non-geeks, and I may be skimming over some details. I’m going for layperson undertsanding rather than strict technical correctness here. If you feel you must, feel free to correct me in the comments.)

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