July 15, 2006
Act NOW to keep NSA cases in public court
(Thanks Cory!)
Go to the EFF's Action Center now real quick and
Keep the NSA Wiretapping Case In Non-Secret Court
from boing boing:
Cindy Cohn, EFF's stellar Legal Director, sez, "Senator Specter and the Bush Administration today announced that they have reached a deal to send all of the cases concerning the illegal NSA wiretapping (including EFF's) to the secret FISA court. This is being spun in the press as a big concession by the Administration but in truth it's an abomination -- the FISA court acts in secret and doesn't even hear argument from both sides. This bill will likely move fast, so we only have a limited window to try to stop it.
(Thanks Cory!)
Posted by Lisa at 07:51 PM