Please make reservations HERE
Performing with George Kelly:
Wind Cries Mary
Billy Jean
Shake All Over
On my ownsome lonesome:
I want u 4 myself
More coming soon, but I'm off to cover the Singularity Summit in New York City for h+ magazine.
See ya when I get back :-)
As I mentioned in my last post, I've been thinking a lot about what we can do this time around to protect ourselves against another repeat performance of either the 2000 or 2004 elections. We were tricked both times in different subtle ways, and it is my hope that whoever might be planning to tamper with this year's elections will realize that it's a bad idea to do so with everyone watching.
I've had this little anthem (lullaby version) in my head this last week, and I thought I'd share it with you.
It's based on some things I learned from my own archived news footage from the 2004 election about strange things going on with the actual vote count in relation to the exit polls. The Bushies tried to tell us it was the exit polls that were incorrect. But that didn't make sense then, and it makes less sense now.
This clip is a re-edit from a clip within the documentary from Dorothy Fadiman's Stealing America - which was released a few months ago across the country. (The movie uses a lot of footage from my and thePete's video archive from the 2004 election.)
(Video - 11 MB)
From Judy (to Wolf Blitzer): "Well, we're trying to figure all this out right now Wolf. Apparently, what has happened is that the Associated Press, they were feeding numbers into us, and then suddenly, those numbers changed."
High Res version of this video clip - 230 MB (Sorry there is no hi-res version of either song recording.)
This year, let's stay up and watch until we know the votes have been counted correctly -- which, we know from the polls, could only mean a huge win for Obama.
Here's a sorta "traditional" version of the song:
Staying Up All Night (campfire version)
Here's a lullaby version of it for my biggest fan :-)
Here are the words (roughly, depending on version):
Stayin up all night
stayin up all night
and you'll be there with me
and it'll be alright
you can call us crazy
and we hope they're right
until the race is called
I'm stayin up all night
Stayin up all night
Stayin up all night
and we'll all watchin
cause we've seen the light
what happened last time
it just wasn't right
until the race is called
we'll be staying up all night
and you can call us crazy
and we hope you're right
until the race is called
we'll be stayin up all night
RE: Plan B
Well, if they try to tell us that Obama has lost in "another close race," I say we demand a recount and hit the streets - Ukranian style.
So it might be a good idea to try to take Wednesday off work if you can, to:
1) rest up after being up late Tuesday night
2) be available for a protest, if we need to have one
So again - the main plan is to just watch and win :) - which should be easy enough. But if the bullshit hits the fan in the middle of the night again, let's be ready to deal with it head on Wednesday morning (Plan B) - by emailing phoning our representatives endlessly - and, hittin the streets!
Hey sorry this took so long to pull together. I've had complaints from people who actually took the time to go to my music site, to try to find a song they liked, to no avail. Doh!
So here it is, a little A-Z Index -- of all my published songs to date, that I know about -- and it will just live on the homepage from now on.
Hope to see you at the show tomorrow night :)
Hey the Farmer's Market show was great! (post 1 about it - post 2 about it.
Looking forward to the
show on June 10!
And the new song went over very well! It was as gratifying as I had hoped :-)
Sierra and I really kicked ass on the few songs we sang together. I looking forward to working out a whole set of songs with her.
I'm going through the video to pick out a nice clip or two to show you.
Special thanks to gregory for helping me set up my sound!
Last Digression
(written around 1997)
Words and Music by Lisa Rein
Guitar and vocals by Lisa Rein
In my mind
In my head
I can't seem to find
an answer to my questions
I can see them
I can hear in their direction
through the darkness
and the madness
and the emptyness
getting closer to
a vacuum-filled unconsciousness
a false impression
of my very last digression
by my side
in your bed
you will never find
the secret to your laughter
and you don't seem to mind
that you cannot find an answer
to the darkness and the madness
ad the emptyness
getting closer to the memory
of your consciousness
a fool's procession towards your very last
a confession in my mind
to your lighter side
that's hiding all the answers
second chances
heavy breathers breathing one last breath
confounded by the sounding of a warning
a confession
vivisection of your memories
and they seduce me
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
I'm trying to make political tunes that are also just fun to sing. Here
are all of them with quick links:
1. Improving
2. James Brown Died On Christmas
3. Democracy
4. In the Spirit
5. James and Marybeth (about copyright law and how the public is losing their
end of the bargain)
written to James H. Billington (Librarian of Congress) and Marybeth Peters
(Register of Copyrights)
6. Here's myself and Audrey Howard in Golden Gate Park doing a cover of a
song Green Day's Billy Armstrong covering the song by
Aaron Elliot and PHGP called "Life During Wartime":
Glad to finally get this up. (I was waiting to finish the video for it...but I don't want to hold things up any more.)
This song is about war profiteers who knowingly exchange the blood of Iraqis and US Troops for profit, in that they fund the destruction of the country so they can profit on its reconstruction.
It's also about how we all line up behind these scumbags and keep driving our SUV's -- and are effectively trading in the future of our children for convenience in the short term.
This song was inspired by the Bill Moyer's NOW program from November 14, 2003, Cash and Carry, which detailed the direct connections between the Shrub Administration and the main two or three companies that are profiting directly from the Iraqi reconstruction.
Vocals by Lisa Rein - Music by Gregory Howe
Lyrics by Lisa Rein and Gregory Howe.
We go anywhere we wanna go
Suburban assault vehicles
The calling day we all seem to know
Comes speeding at us now head on
Come on down to the fuel funeral
The pyre's high and it's burning down
We're staring at the fuel funeral
Say a prayer and then throw in your cup
They tell you all that you wanna know
The roads are paved with a heart of gold
They turn you out on the inside
Kill your world as they come alive
Come on down to the Fuel Funeral
Cause you ain't got too much more to lose
There's only trouble and obstacles
They're all waiting for you for you
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This song is about the crazy idea that any kind of "democracy" the U.S. brought to Iraq could be worth the death of a single Iraqi person.
It's like someone saying:
"Ok here's the plan. First, we bomb all your public water and power systems, then we don't actually rebuild them, so a lot of you are going to die off from that.
Next, your brother and aunt die when us or the insurgents bomb them by mistake.
Next, you get democracy!
See!? It's a bargain!."
MP3 (2 MB) -- WAV source (14 MB)
Words and Music By Lisa Rein
Cut off the power lines my friend
Shut off the water too
The benefits will never end
When we're done bringing this to you
We're just improving
Kill off your family one by one
but we'll give you some rights when we're all done
It's such a drag
but it's not us!
If you can tough it out
You'll make it.
(As recorded into my laptop using Audio Recorder, as always...) This track is available under a
Creative Commons Attribution License
This is a little ditty that manifested itself over the holidays.
The MP3 and source wav file are available under a
Creative Commons Attribution License.
Music and Lyrics by Lisa Rein
James Brown died on christmas
James Brown died on christmas
They found him in the morning
It came without a warning
It seems like only last december
I was looking up his police record
To settle a trivial family battle
And I don't mean no disrespect
And I'm not saying anything at all
Cause nothing's ever written on the wall
But I hope that he's in a better place
In a better place
It was the first thing I heard on christmas morning
I saw it on the tele
It was a holiday of tragedy and tyranny
When only a few days later
We were hanging a dictator
As a symbol of democracy
And I'm not saying anything
Cause no one's even listening anymore
And there's not much I really know for sure
But I know that he's in a better place
In a better place
Just released a brand new song: Democracy.
This song comes with its own page to help explain the lyrics.
It's about what has become our sorry excuse for a democracy, and thinking about it for five minutes, in the context of the world at large.
I recorded the guitar and vocals for this on my mac laptop, using Audio Recorder. (I did mix it in protools, but I didn't do anything special that would have required protools.)
Hope you like it. I've made all the source files available for remix, and it's all under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
I decided to allow commercial use of the work. Let's see how far it can get!
This is actually a remix of some of my music - as opposed to one of "my remixes."
Just found this on CC Mixter:
Submarine (Featuring Lisa Rein)
by Briareus
This track uses my acapella track of "He pepe and me."
I'm getting a lot of remix mileage out of that acapella track! (like 9 remixes!)
I gotta get more stuff up there!
My cc mixter page is up now.
I've uploaded my first track, Maybe We Can All Do Something, which features Craig Newmark and Fourstones. It's from my last podcast for
I've been getting a lot of stuff for my show from cc mixter. It's just a great site!
So I'm still very much in the throws of finals hell in school, but I wanted to start throwing stuff up from the show last Saturday night, which was a huge success!
There were about 100 people there over the course of the night. I collected $460 in donations and gave the EFF its $230 on Monday.
Here is a live track of my new anti-war song, In The Spirit. I'll include the lyrics below. It's got Alex Walsh sitting in with us on guitar - "us" being Ron Taylor (guitar), Jeff Norwood (bass) and Simon Grant (drums).
I've made two versions - one with the little introduction explaining what the song is about, one without the intro so you don't have to listen to the intro over and over again when you're listening to the song on your ipod :-)
Lemme know what cha think!
In The Spirit - w/intro (MP3 - 9 MB)
In The Spirit - Radio Edit (MP3 - 8 MB)
In The Spirit - Video (Small - 14 MB)
So this is the last song. Thanks a lot for coming out. I really appreciate it.So this song is my first anti-war song. This song is basically about the war and how it sucks and all that kind of stuff, but it's also about keeping a good attitude about how we have to change things and basically, kind of, rebuild our entire country from the ground up. From square one. And trying to keep a good attitude about it, 'cause there's a lot of work to do. But if we stay in a good mood and have a good time doing it then we have a better chance of pulling it off.
In The Spirit - Lyrics
Words and Music by Lisa Rein
Sticks and stones won't make them go away
problems rearranging every day
30,000600,000 faces disappear
history repeats itself in fear
how far will you run
how far have we come
won't be any fun
without you in the spirit
sticks and stones can't build a better way
hear their story changing every day
in the distance you can see their lies
targeting you right between the eyes
how far will you run
how far have we come
won't be any fun
without you in the spirit
how far can we go
time to hit the road
such a heavy load
unless you're in the spirit
solo 1
sticks and stones can't build a better way
hear their story changing every day
in the distance you can see their lies
targeting you right between the eyes
how far will you run
how far have we come
won't be any fun
without you in the spirit
how far can we go
time to hit the road
such a heavy load
unless you're in the spirit
solo 2
I just uploaded three versions of a new song (Studio, Studio-Guitar Mix, and Unplugged):
Should I Let You In.
I've started a mailing list where you can sign up to be notified when new tracks are published and about upcoming live shows.
I just released a studio version of Slipping Away today. (Slipping Away v. 2.0.
Here's the scoop:
10/17/03 -- I just rediscoverd this track when I was in Seattle a few weeks ago doing the RetarDEAD themesong.I'd forgotten how good this came out, and just kinda never got around to doing anything with it. Now that I've played it for people, I'm told it may be my best track ever. (Which reminded me to make it available to you.)
I'll be going back to Vagrant Records soon to cut some more tracks. This time with Ron by my side in the studio. I can't wait. (Even if Evan Foster did play the hell out of this song! Thanks, Evan!)
One of the great things about recording with Evan was that he could really pull these songs out of my head. I would say something like "Randy Rhoads tone" (not for this song, but for say Poltergeist, and he would just know what I meant, and play it perfectly. I was really great working with him, and I'm told it will never happen again, because he's about to be a rock star :-) So I feel especially lucky to have worked with him "when."
Anyway, hope you like it. Check it out.
I just found out that I'll be playing at Noe Valley Ministry on December 13, 2003 -- Saturday night!
Since we get to take over the whole church for the show - upstairs and downstairs - I'm going to take the opportunity to throw a little party while I'm at it.
So we'll be performing three or four little sets over the course of the evening to showcase our stuff in-between the food and get togethering. That way, if you have other plans, you can still come by for a few songs and a drink or two whenever it's convenient for you.
The festivities will be going on from 6:30-9:30 pm. Donations will be appreciated, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Check out our first video for a taste of our acoustic set.
Hope to see you there!
I just posted my first music video!
I just started the camera rolling and performed a song with the other half of Park and Ride: Ron Taylor. There's more where this came from.
I just found out that I'll be playing at Noe Valley Ministry on December 13, 2003 -- Saturday night! Here's more information about the event.
Hope to see you there!
Slipping Away
I thought it was time for a little music video to introduce you guys to Ron, and give you a little taste of us live -- so you might come see us play at Noe Valley Ministry in San Francisco when we play December 16, 2003.This song was the last song we wrote together when we were in Seattle in 1999. It's one of my favorites.
Ron had just re-learned the song when we taped this, so I had to cue him for the chord changes. That's why I keep pointing at him -- that's "the signal" for the chord change.
Hope you like it!
Lyrics - Slipping Away
Words by Lisa Rein, Music By Lisa Rein and Ron Taylor
Lately, I can't seem to unwind
I'd put my feet in the air
But there's too much on my mind
And I'm just
Traveling with my face in a jar
I got one foot in the door
And things are fine how they are
But sometimes I think
I got it made in the shade
And then, starts a feeling like it's slipping away
In my mind
But everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
I'm dying to win
And I'll be killing myself
To be born over again
Are you lying?
I ain't too sure who you are
You're just a traveling salesman with your face in a jar
It's always when I think that something's coming my way
Then I get that funny feeling like it's slipping away
For the last time
But everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
It's always when I think that something's coming my way
That's when I get the feeling it's all slipping away
In my mind
But everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
Yeah everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
Yeah everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
Yeah everything seems ok
Everything seems ok
Yeah everything
Here's another track with "studio" and "unplugged" versions.
It's Alright
By Lisa Rein and Ron Taylor
This songs too personal to really go into details. It's a song I wrote to my boyfriend in 1995. So I guess this one is for you, James.People always wonder if I mean "it's all right" or it's (only) "alright." But the lyrics below are intentional. For the most part, at that time in my life, for lots of different reasons, it was only "alright."
It's Alright
It's Alright
It's in my eyes
You say something's got to give
I say something's gotta take
And it ain't no way to live
But it's too late
And I hope I can cope with the way that things are
And I hope I don't take it too far
You should know
I keep telling you
I'm gonna live forever
So smile wide now and smoke your cigar
And we'll go far
You say something's got to give
I say something's gotta take
And it ain't no way to live
But it's too late
And I hope you don't think that I'm living in sin
And I hope you can't tell that I'm lying again
And I hope I can cope with this mess that I've made
And I hope I can stand in the shade
You should know
I keep telling you
I'm gonna live forever
At least maybe I'll live through today
Hey it's alright
It's all right
It's in my eyes
My eyes
Something's got to give
And something's got to take
And I try to catch up
But I'm falling behind
And I don't even know
What I'm trying to find
And I hope you can cope
With this mess that I am
And I hope that you don't give a damn
You just think like I'm telling you
I'm gonna live forever
And let things so according to plan
And be my man
I just put up a new song today. And there's more where that came from.
This time I'm trying something new, and posting both a studio track and an "unplugged" version from our practice a few weeks ago.
By Lisa Rein and Ron Taylor
There isn't really a story that goes with this song. It's about reaching one's full potential.I used to not be able to sing it without tearing up a little. (I actually have a lot of songs like that -- like James and Marybeth...)
It's another oldie but goodie. There will be newer stuff going up soon -- and I've really been focusing on the new material lately. But I realize that all of these are new to you guys and so, when a friend mentioned how much he liked "Hiding" -- and that I shouldn't be -- it reminded me to make this available to you.
Do you remember how it used to be?
You sewed the seeds
You kissed the lightning
The sun it shined
But now you're searching for the seeds of summer
While you're digging yourself under
Won't you come out from undercover?
Into the blinding light of darkness
Into the blinding light of darkness
Somehow you went astray
You lost your will to seize the day
Your sun is shining right beside you
Come out from undercover
Into the arms of your eternal lover
Into the blinding light of darkness
Into the blinding light of darkness
Into the past you fall
But you have the power to take it all
Your sun is shining right beside you
No more hiding
Come out from undercover
Into the arms of your eternal lover
Into the blinding light of darkness
Into the blinding light of darkness
I just put up another old song. Well, it's new to you guys!
I wrote this one myself a while ago and finally recorded it a few years back.
There's more where this came from, so stay tuned!
This is one of the first songs I ever wrote. I wrote it around 1994.My friend Simon Grant recently mentioned to me that this one was still his favorite. It reminded me of a peak experience I was lucky to have of performing it live with him and two other guys from Scream Radio -- Jeff Eason and Blake Harkins -- at one of their gigs in Seattle in 2001. (These are the same guys that played with me on Poltergeist, Wander, and Spunky Funk.)
So I went and dug up the studio version I still had of this that I recorded at my friend Joe's studio in Seattle in 1999-2000 or so. My other friend Scotty produced it. (Damn, I wish I could remember their last names.)
I sing and play guitar and bass on this one. My friend Scotty did the drum track.
I've just uploaded a new song I wrote with my guitar player, Ron Taylor.
We've just reunited after a 4 year hiatus, and it feels so good!
We'll be playing around in San Francisco soon under our "band" name: Park and Ride.
(He's "Park" I'm "Ride" :-)
Hope you'll come check us out.
Like all of my music, it's released under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
That means, in a nutshell: "Take it and run (baby) BUT give us credit."
(Spelled out: Distribute, Display, and Perform at will -- Derivative Works and Commercial Uses OK)
And now, I bring you
Something Better.
Ron and I wrote this song many years ago right after I'd talked him out of joining the Navy. He was joining the Navy because he felt he had nothing better to do with his life. I convinced him that even flipping burgers would be better than potentially dying in some stupid war.Now he's happily married with two beautiful children and he still thanks me for helping him out on that fateful day. (Although, I must admit, at the time I was being purely selfish: I didn't want to lose my guitar player!)
Ron and I have recently reunited (August 2003) and we just recorded this track last weekend by playing into the microphone on my video camera. I played it for some friends, and they all liked it a lot. So I'm taking their advice.
It's rough, but I think they're right. It's good enough for rock n' roll!
Hope you like it!
Lyrics to "Something Better"
Words by Lisa Rein
Music by Lisa Rein and Ron Taylor.
Flipping burger's ain't so bad
If you got nuthin' else to do
Not too happy, not too sad
Just seems to me there must be
There's something better I can feel it in the air
There's something better I can see it everywhere
Sometimes, I like to take a drive and close my eyes
Sometimes, it makes me feel alive to watch the world go by when
There's something better telling me to say goodbye
I see it smiling in the corner of my eye
There's something coming and it knows just where to find me
It's sweeping me away
I'm gonna leave this all behind me
I'm not blind
People tell me not to dream
Say I'll be letting myself down
But things aren't always what they seem
Maybe I'll win this time around
Something better than the same old compromise
I'll see it clearly when I open up my eyes
There's something coming and it knows just where to find me
It's sweeping me away
I'm gonna leave this all behind me
For something
Something good for me
Yep. That's me singing harmonies and my buddy Audrey Howard on guitar and lead vocals.
Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (Small - 8 MB)
Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (Hi-Res - 132 MB)
Audio - Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (MP3 - 3 MB)
This may seem like strange timing, but I promised myself I would do this as soon as I got back from SXSW, and it's already been a week, so here goes: I'm looking to put a band together to play mainly around town (at first) and maybe also in Austin, L.A. and New York (eventually), where I have a few contacts.
Check out my stuff and let me know if you'd be interested. (
I just put up another tune I wrote with Ron Taylor that I recorded in Seattle with Evan Foster on guitar:
I've written and recorded a new song asking the Librarian of Congress (James H. Billington) and the Register of Copyrights (Marybeth Peters) to reconsider the recent CARP rulings regarding the rates and terms for webcasters (and to also please protect our rights against the detrimental effects of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, since it does not contain adequate fair use provisions).
What does this all mean to the average person? Well, the average person will be greatly affected in the long run in terms of what kind of programming options will be made available in the future.
Less overhead in compulsory licensing fees means that more webcasters can afford to operate, and that means more channels and more selection from a larger, more diverse content base. It seems like this is a very important time in our history to have as many different voices being heard as possible.
All that I'm asking is for James and Marybeth to either reopen the CARP process afresh, or postpone it all together for another few years in order to enable webcasting services to flourish (much in the same way that cable television was allowed to develop in the 1980s).
So so sad when I listen to my radio
So sick and tired of what I'm watching on tv
There's so much more that I could see and learn and know about my future
James and Marybeth, can you help bring this to me?
I just want a chance to try it twice
I just want a chance to roll the dice
I just want a chance to get it right
I just want the right to stay and fight
I just want the right to search and find
I just want the right to my piece of mind
I just want the chance to know what's mine
I just want the chance to know
oh how I hope you're listening
because the clock is ticking
James and Marybeth, can you find a place for me?
James and Marybeth, can you help me to be free?
Just added Poltergeist to my online collection.
This song is also written by myself and Ron Taylor and recorded at Vagrant Records by Erik-4A with Evan Foster on lead guitar.
Bitzi has used my "Shake All Over" tune as an example of its Privileged Listings service.
Video, WAV, and MP3s from My Live Show Saturday
A Little Song and Clip To Go With This Year's Strategy
A-Z Index of My Songs
Had A Great First Show - My Sister's Awesome
New Song: Last Digression
All My Political Songs in one place
New Song: Fuel Funeral
New Song: Improving
New Song: James Brown Died On Christmas
New Song: Democracy
Cool Remix of One of My CC Mixter Tracks
My First Remix and My Profile Page Up On CC Mixter
In The Spirit: First MP3s and Video From My Dec 13 Showcase
New Song: Should I Let You In?
New Track: Studio Version of Slipping Away (Slipping Away v. 2.0)
Come See Ron and I (Park and Ride) Play An Acoustic Set On December 16th At Noe Valley Ministry
New Song and Video! Slipping Away
New Song! It's Alright
New Song! Hiding
New Song! Rain
New Song Available! Something Better
Audrey Howard and Lisa Rein At Saturday's Mother's Day Concert
Getting A Band Together...
New Song! Spunky Funk
New Song: James and Marybeth
New Song Up On Music Site
Bitzi's Privileged Listings
Collected Works
James and Marybeth
Monsturd Movie
Monsturd Theme Song
Monsturd Video/Trailer
Number Two
On Lisa Rein's Radar
O'Reilly Network Weblogs
O'Reilly P2P Directory
Shake All Over
XML Resource Guide
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Adventures In Hacktivism - February 16, 2003 (10)
Adventures In Hacktivism - June 13, 2003 (15)
Adventures In Hacktivism - June 2, 2003 (7)
Adventures In Hacktivism - March 16, 2003 (1)
Adventures In Hacktivism - March 20, 2003 (17)
Adventures In Hacktivism - March 22, 2003 (2)
Adventures In Hacktivism - May 29, 2003 (4)
Adventures In Hacktivism - October 17, 2009 (2)
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Election 2008 - News (1)
Election 2008 - Plan B (1)
Election History (1)
Election Protection - Florida 2004 (3)
Election Technologies (16)
Electric Cars (2)
Emergence (6)
Energy Fraud (7)
Estrada vs. The People (15)
Etech 2003 (10)
Facebook Tech (3)
Fair and Balanced Archive (5)
Fair Use Copy Prevention (22)
Fair Use Equipment (13)
False Scarcity (6)
Farming and Health (5)
FCC Indecency Freakout 2004 (4)
FCC News (4)
Fight BPDG (4)
Fight CARP (31)
Fight CBDTPA (4)
Fight RAVE (6)
Fight the DMCA (39)
Fight the Victory Act (formerly DSEA and Patriot II) (9)
First Amendment Under Attack (20)
FMARS 2007 (1)
Foleygate (2)
Foo Camp 2003 (28)
Footage Needed (1)
Free Jon Johansen (3)
Free Mike Hawash (14)
Friends (67)
Funny Videos (11)
Geolocation Software (7)
Gift Ideas (3)
Glossaries (3)
Google Answers Experiments (1)
Guantanamo Bay Watch (23)
Health (8)
Hollywood News (1)
Howard Dean for DNC Chairman (3)
Howard Dean For President In 2004 (39)
hplusmagazine (2)
Human Computer Interaction (2)
Human Rights (2)
ILaw 2003 (19)
Illegal-Art (9)
Immigrant Roundups (44)
Insane Legislation (4)
Internet Archive (12)
Internet Archive Bookmobile (13)
Interviews (106)
Investor Fraud (1)
IPOD Tech (1)
John Kerry for President 2004 (10)
Jon Stewart Interviews And TV Appearances (4)
Law And Technology Of DRM 2003 (4)
Lessig Media Archive (17)
Library Of Alexandria Bookmobile (13)
March 5, 2003 Student Protest Aftermath (4)
May 10, 2003 - Free Peace Concert In Golden Gate Park (5)
McCarthyism - Past and Present (7)
Media Consolidation (41)
Media Research (17)
Media Takeovers (1)
Meet The Press Archive (50)
Mefeedia (3)
Metaverse Commerce (2)
Michael Moore (26)
Miscellaneous (14)
Mobile Video (3)
Mobs (Smart and Flash) (5) (2)
Monsturd (4)
Movie Reviews (10)
Movie Theme Songs I Sing (2)
Movies I'm In (8)
Mozilla (4)
Music News (27)
My Articles (4)
My Daily Show Excerpt Movies (2)
My Graduate Work (4)
My Movies (19)
My Music (28)
My Music - June 10, 2007 (6)
My Music - Live Video (10)
My Music - November 11, 2007 (1)
My Music - September 9, 2007 (2)
My Music - Upcoming Shows (24)
My Music Videos (2)
My Press Clippings (8)
My Projects (1)
My Re-mixes (2)
My Sister (6)
My Speaking Engagements (1)
Nano-na-na (6)
Net Neutrality (1)
New Music Business Models (7)
New Orleans Catastrophe 2005 (14)
Node Zero Gallery (3)
NOW Archive (4)
NSA Domestic Spying (1)
Obama Action (2)
Obama For President 2008 (4)
Obama's Afghanistan Policy (2)
Obama's Iraq Policy (1)
Obama's Warrantless Wiretapping (1)
OSCON 2002 (7)
Party On Garth (2)
Patent Absurdities (5)
Patent Alert (7)
Patriotic Hackers (6)
Peace Watch (97)
Personal (195)
Podcasts (22)
Pre-Election Preparation (1)
Privacy Watch (44)
Products I Like (2)
Public Domain Enhancement Act (1)
Remixes I'm In (2)
Revisionist History (6)
RIAA Death Throes (30)
Ro Khanna For Congress 2004 (1)
Santa Monica Tree Savers (4)
Search (1)
Second Life (28)
Second Life - Music (7)
Second Life - Step by Step (5)
Second Life - Strengths Island (2)
Second Life - Upcoming Events (8)
Second Life Business (4)
Second Life Events (2)
Second Life Growing Pains (5)
Second Life in Art (6)
Second Life in Education (4)
Second Life Legal (2)
Second Life Movies (4)
Second Life Stories (4)
Second Life Tidbits (4)
Security (13)
SF Election - November 4, 2003 (22)
SF Mayor Race 2004 (11)
Shrub Watch (185)
Singularity Technologies (1)
Somatika Xiao Archive (1)
Space Exploration (15)
Spam Law (4)
Spam Tech (8)
Spectrum Policy 2003 (1)
Spot Draves Archive (4)
Starbucks Freedom Tour (5)
Stealing America (4)
Stephen Colbert Clips (2)
Supreme Court News (15)
Survival (18)
SXSW 2003 (10)
Tales of Copyright Royalties (4)
Terrorism Freakouts 2006 (1)
Texas Redistricting Fiasco (5)
The Puzzling Mr. Colin Powell (20)
The Shrub In Africa (3)
The Shrub In Israel (1)
The Shrub War (166)
The Shrub War - Jessica Lynch Rescue Lies (8)
The Shrub War - Saddam Capture Lies (4)
The Shrub War - WMD Lies (105)
The Singularity (3)
Timothy Leary Archives (2)
Tom Ammiano For Mayor (24)
Twitter Tech (4)
U.S. Congressional Hearings (2)
U.S. vs. Ed Rosenthal (5)
U.S. vs. ElcomSoft - Comprehensive Coverage (25)
U.S. vs. ElcomSoft - My Trial Coverage (19)
U.S. vs. ElcomSoft - Official Transcripts (1)
U.S. vs. ElcomSoft - Others' Trial Coverage (6)
UCLA Police Excessive Force (1)
Undue Process (3)
Universal Health Care (1)
Unnecessary Force Against Protesters (3)
Upcoming Events (44)
Video Tech (18)
Videoblogging Biz (2)
videobloggingweek2007 (2)
Vloggercon 2006 (3)
Wesley Clark Archive (1)
Whuffie (Reputation Economies) (3)
Wide Hive Records (31)
Wireless (23)
Wishfarming (8)
Wishfest 1.0 (5)
Women's Rights (7)
Writers With Drinks (1)
XML Development Tools (2)