Foo Camp Movies: Celebrity Death Aikido Match
Here's a celebrity death aikido match between Paul "Schmoo" Holman and Jeremy Borenstein.
This was shot on October 12, 2003.
Jeremy was nice enough to provide me with a little explanation:
"Pablos and I originally met because we were both training in the same
aikido dojo. This movie shows us, out of shape and out of practice
but still having fun trying to maul each other. There's a variety of
aikido techniques more-or-less demonstrated there. Pablos takes some
nice high falls (when he leaves the ground completely for a time) and
doesn't get hurt, which is a testament to his skill."
Foo A-Z
Foo Aikido Match (Small - 6 MB)
After the Match (Small - 1 MB)
Foo Aikido Match - All (Small - 7 MB)

This interview with Quinn Norton is from October 12, 2003.
Quinn Norton and Ada Norton (Small - 9 MB)
These are just a few little clips from Foo Camp.
The first is aptly titled Goofing Off At Foo (Small - 9MB). It's mainly Paul "Schmoo" Holman shooting me really quick and then, after I grab the camera back, asking me not to film him and my filming him anyway, because it was just too funny. (Yes, I did ask him later if it was okay for me to put this up, because I simply do not post footage that people don't want me to post.)
The second movie is just of the Tent City (Small - 3 MB) that people had going on in O'Reilly's backyard.
This footage was shot on October 12, 2003.
This is from October 12, 2003.
Mark Hedlund (Small - 15 MB)
Sara Winge is the one responsible for a lot of the organizing of the Foo Camp Conference/Party. Tim gave her all of the credit in his interview (not posted yet -- will be linked to from here when I post it).
So you can blame the whole wonderful event on her! Thanks Sara!
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Sara Winge (Small - 9 MB)
Cameron Marlow is "the Blogdex guy."
This is from October 12, 2003.
Cameron Marlow - Complete (Small - 20 MB)
Cameron Marlow - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 11 MB)
Cameron Marlow - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 9 MB)
This interview with Brian Behlendorf is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Brian Behlendorf (Small - 14 MB)
This movie documents several Foo Folks demonstrating and observing Dan Egnor's GPS Tron game. This is a game that uses wireless technology and GPS devices to play a meat space two-player running game on a field of grass. I played it. It was totally cool. (The kind of thing I could have easily played all morning if I didn't have important videoing to do :-)
Part 1 explains the interface and shows some players in action (one player is the game's creator, Dan Egnor, the other is Anselm Hook).
In Part 2, Brandon Wiley and Anselm Hook give us some first hand accounts of how the game is played.
Also included in the "All" movie is a partial interview with Dan Egnor about how he built the game, its current bugs, and how he plans on addressing them.
This is from October 12, 2003.
GPS Tron - All (Small - 13 MB)
GPS Tron - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 5 MB)
GPS Tron - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 4 MB)
When Dan isn't working by day on Google's "Search By Location" service, he's creating gizmos like "GPS Tron." This interview starts off explaining how GPS Tron works, and then Dan goes on to talk a little about his impressions of Foo Camp.
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Dan Egnor (Small - 6 MB)
Remember that there's also a Foo Camp A-Z page where the interviews go up before I have a chance to blog them...
Bob Fleck is working on BlueTooth security.
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Bob Fleck (Small - 7 MB)
Brandon is creating a P2P gaming engine for serverless mass multiplayer online role playing games called "Gnosis." He's also creating a streaming webcast server called Alluvium that he'll be releasing at CodeCon next year. (Hey kids, it's time for the
CodeCon Call For Papers!)
He's also quite busy working at the Foundation for Decentralization Research.
Foo A-Z
Brandon Wiley (Small - 6 MB)
Nat Torkington turned the tables on me (or the cameras on me, as the case may be) and simply would not leave alone for several minutes. I've edited out some of the boring part in the middle (hope it's not all boring :-)
Thanks for doing this Nat. Most of the time, when I'm in historical archivist mode, I forget to capture myself for the time capsule reel.
Towards the lend of the interview, I was viciously attacked by Paul "Shmoo" Holman (Jack of All, Wireless, and Often Other Top Secret Trades). Glad I have the photographic evidence so I can make my case during the trial :-) Photos below of me getting roughed up below.
In all seriousness, this "shmoo" fella is one violent guy. I've got video of him beating up Jeremy Borenstein. And he even brags that he's planning to do it in another clip. (Making it a premeditated attack!)
Anyway, this is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Lisa Rein - Complete (Small - 27 MB)
Lisa Rein - Part 1 of 2 (15 MB)
Lisa Rein - Part 2 of 2 (13 MB)
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Ben and Mena Trott (Small - 11 MB)
Anselm is working on "a mobile, location aware, many player game" called "Mites."
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Anselm Hook (Small - 4 MB)
Dav is translating his Globe Applet, which allows you to put pinpoints on a globe, to J2ME, so he can put it on cellphones.
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Dav Coleman (Small - 6 MB)
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Rob Flickenger (Small - 8 MB)
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Doc Searls (Small - 9 MB)
This is from October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Mike Liebhold (Small - 9 MB)
Okay so Danny did most of the talking :-)
This is from October 12, 2003.
(Here's a blog entry Danny wrote about Foo Camp.)
Foo A-Z
Danny O'Brien and Ada Norton (Small - 9 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Dave Mathews (Small - 5 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Dave Levitt (Small - 8 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
Eric Hatcher (Small - 4 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
The "Geolocation" connection is the Blogmapper app mentioned in the interview.
Here's Jason's Blog.
Foo A-Z
Jason Harlan (Small - 8 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Esther Dyson (Small - 9 MB)
This is from Foo Camp on Sunday, October 12, 2003.
Foo A-Z
Bram Cohen (Small - 17 MB)
This movie is titled "Concentrated Foo" because it really seems to encapsulate the spirit of the conference. The film is unedited and shot entirely in sequence! It just worked out perfectly on its own. (As those of you who shoot video probably know, this almost never happens, so it's quite exciting.)
The interviews within Concentrated Foo and all of the other movies are also available separately.
But first, a bit of explanation. The "session" in this case was taking apart a rental hybrid vehicle in order to see what makes it tick. I forget whether it was a Honda or a Toyota, but I'm sure someone will refresh my memory at some point.
There were self-imposed "rules," however. For instance, no one was allowed to take anything apart that they weren't reasonably sure they could put back together. The group was quite conservative in this respect. The team was meticulous about keeping the parts in order and even replacing each screw in its exact previous location, etc.
Other than that, it was a free-for-all :-)
At that said, it was pretty amazing how far we took things apart -- and how elegantly everything went right back together.
I was interviewing folks in-between documenting the car exploration.
There's a lot more where this came from, but this ought to wet your whistle for a bit.
Foo A-Z
Concentrated Foo - All (Small - 64 MB)
Concentrated Foo - Part 1 of 3 (Small - 20 MB)
Concentrated Foo - Part 2 of 3 (Small - 21 MB)
Concentrated Foo - Part 3 of 3 (Small - 24 MB)
So I just got back from O'Reilly's Foo Camp yesterday and will be posting a bunch o' stuff early in the AM.
The first movie is titled "
Concentrated Foo" -- and encapsulates the spirit of the conference in many ways. The film is unedited and shot entirely in sequence.
Foo Attendees: This film must not be confused with the footage of the "Wandercam" -- a handheld that was roaming around the conference on its own from 9am on Saturday morning on. I myself have not looked at this footage yet, though I have digitized it.
That's tomorrow's little task :-)
More on the Wandercam soon...
I've also created an
A-Z page for both my little foo movies and the interviews themselves within the movies, so we can keep track of them all. I'd hate for any of it to be "lost" because I had forgotten to link to it. So I'm linking to it from there first, and then if I have time I'll link to stuff from here too.
Yeah all the above stuff I mention will be linked to in the am. Plus three movies from the "making of the RetarDEAD theme" video I shot in Seattle last weekend.
But now I gotta catch some zzzz. Lotsa great stuff I tell ya. I just can't believe how great some of it came out.
But I'm a sentimental fool...
Back soon,