Last week was a great week of Daily Shows and Colbert Reports last week.
So far I just have the Daily Shows up here (in both Quicktime and MP3s).
There were some really relevant and incredible shows last week and I want to make sure you see all the highlights.
So I'll be putting them up one at a time starting now, too.
Here's the playlist I've started for them: December Daily Show Clips.
Many of you responded to my request for Jon's post-911 monologue. Thanks so much for your help.
It gives me a chance to explain how Dabble is a useful tool for collecting information about video clips.
I've created an example record here:
Jon Stewart's Post-911 Monologue.
I had an embedded youtube video of this here, but it takes to long for the page to load, so you'll have to click on More.
Updated 11/29/05 - see new link below
This just in from one of my wonderful readers:
Want to watch clips from past year in one file? Then download this torrent: project is the culmination of MANY hours of labor. It is a reprise of a
Daily show best of I made last year. I decided to do it again and this time
make a LOW quality xvid for those who don't want to download the DVD format.These are mostly clips of Jon, but there are pieces from each correspondent
as well. They are all just what I thought was funniest. The entire file is
about 6 hours long (you try to cut out bits from a year's worth of TDS -
it's HARD!)Enjoy, and please SEED!
Hey I've been asked for the 400th time if I have Stewart's post-911 speech. I don't have it, but I would sure love to have it in my library.
Let me know if you have it or know where I can find it.
This is from the October 6, 2005 program.
Daily Show On The Avian Flu (10 MB)
MP3 - Daily Show On The Avian Flu
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
CommonBits has a number of recent politically-oriented Daily Show clip
up as torrents.
GayWatch: Spokane Mayor Jim West
D.C. Evacuation and Korean Nuclear Threat
Avian Ressurection of the Arkansas Woodpecker
Great Moments in Punditry as read by Children: Scarborough Country on
Bush's Attack on the Clinton Roadless Rule
Great Moments in Punditry as read by Children: Rev. Jerry Falwell &
Chris Matthews
An Interview with Tom Ridge
Coverage of the recent U.K. Election of Tony Blair
These clips are from the May 10 and 11, 2005 programs.
Well, I knew this would happen at some point, I can't tell you much more about these clips than the filenames will tell you, because I haven't really watched them very closely. I was just trying to pump them out so I could make them available for you.
Thanks for all the great PDF advice! PDF995 ended up working great.
You guys are the best. Here's your thank you present:
Daily Show Clips From May 10, 2005
Mirror of May 10 clips
This has a very frank Wanda Sykes interview. Impressively frank. It won't translate well if I quote it, so I'll let it speak for itself...but right on Wanda for being honest about Hollywood!
Daily Show Clips From May 11, 2005
Mirror of May 11 clips
(Thanks for the mirrors Guan!)
Here's another mirror of these. (Thanks Matt!)
More on the way guys.
These clips are from the May 9, 2005 program.
Actually, the blogging clip might be from the 10th. (Sorry.)
Daily Show Clips From May 9, 2005
Mirror of these clips (Please use it! :-) (thanks Guan!)
another mirror of these clips. (Thanks Matt!)
Metadata that goes with these clips (you can tell which is which from the filenames):
CNN's stupid blogging segments - where people actually just read from blogs verbatim, as if it's news.
A movie about Texas' freaked-out cheerleading censorship law.
Bush's visit to Russia - Putin on 60 minutes. (
Samantha Bee covers the online gambling craze.
How Arnie's Screwing Over California Educators (and therefore California Education)
The Roadless Area conservation rule that Clinton signed into law before he left, and how the repubs are going about overturning it.
Okay, so, like I said, I'm trying to be constructive about the fact that I'm going to be homebound for a few days, so I'm going to try to bang out this and last week's Daily Show clips for starters.
Can those with available mirror space please email me at so we can proceed?
I'm really sorry for being so swamped these last few months and flaking out on my Daily Show responsibilities. I'm trying to re-org my schedule so I have at least a few hours a week to get those suckers up.
Thanks for being patient. (Only a few of you have been politely nudging...which I don't mind at all :)
P.S. Will those of you that kindly donated mirror space in the past that I never linked to please re-connect with me so I can get that stuff up too? It amazes me how, what should be a quick thing to link to (once I've done the hard part - generating all the clips and uploading to the various servers) can get back burnered when things start picking up at the record label. I appreciate it so much that you would mirror clips for me, and I don't mean to be careless with your time and energy. Many apoly-logies for that.
These are from the February 14, 2005 program.
The first one is kinda funny, as well as being newsworthy and rather informative.
The second clip (movie on the DNC convention) just isn't all that funny, but it's still sort of informative.
Dean Wins The DNC - Daily Show (5 MB)
Audio - Dean Wins The DNC - Daily Show (3 Mb)
Daily Show Movie On DNC Conference (7 MB)
Audio - Daily Show Movie On DNC Conference (5 MB)
This is from the February 14, 2005 program.
The first bit is more informative than anything else.
The second bit with Stephen Colbert is totally hilarious.
First Daily Show Bit On "The Gates" (9 MB)
Audio - First Daily Show Bit On "The Gates" (MP3 - 6 MB)
Stephen Colbert On "The Gates" (9 MB)
Audio - Stephen Colbert On "The Gates" (MP3 - 6 MB)
This is from the January 20, 2005 program.
In this segment, we get to learn lots of fun facts about Wal-Mart. Like how they call a 28 hour week "full time." And how the company has recently launched a huge PR campaign to try to combat the numerous lawsuits and bad press its been getting lately.
Daily Show On Wal-Mart (Small - 6 MB)
Audio - Daily Show On Wal-Mart (MP3 - 3 MB)
So let's see how many of these suckers I can link to today.
They are all already available here, by date, in my archive (where you can always look for them in general). (The new ones are from late November and all of December.)
But, as you know, I like to include metadata with them in my posts here, so you can find them later when you're looking for a specific clip. (And so I can find them later when I'm looking for a specific clip.)
These all have mirrors too, but only for a month or so, so if it's after February 2005 and the mirrors don't work anymore, that's why.
Try to use the mirrors while they're there though, because I imagine bandwidth will get pretty scarce over the next few days as this stuff gets accessed all at once.
Thanks in advance for letting me know if any of this stuff isn't working properly, or if I have any bad links. I'll leave these clips on my hard drive for a couple days, to make sure everything made it. Then I gotta start clearing off my hard drives to get ready to install my home recording studio. (I got a Digi 001 and I'm quite excited about it!)
I also have a few tech issues that have been plaguing me that I'm going to need your help with.
Anyway, major catch up day today.
This is from the January 20, 2005 program.
These guys are starting to cover real news in a timely manner.
Jon calls out the fact that, in his acceptance speech, the shrub uses the word "freedom" 27 times and "liberty" 15 times.
Daily Show On The Shrub's Inauguration Speech
(Small - 9 MB)
Daily Show On The Shrub's Inauguration Speech
(MP3 - 6 MB)
This is from the January 6, 2004 program of the Daily Show.
Hey Podcaster peeps, let me know that my feedburner feed is working out for ya.
Video of The Daily Show On The Gonzales Confirmation Hearings
(Small - 13 MB)
Audio of The Daily Show On The Gonzales Confirmation Hearings
(MP3 - 9 MB)
I hate to do this, but I'm so far behind on everything right now that I figure it's better than you guys having to wait another week for this stuff. I promise I will post this stuff appropriately this weekend.
Here's the daily show clip for
November 11, 2004 (just one arafat clip)
Here are all of the clips (with zip files and mirrors!) for November 15-18, 2004:
November 15, 2004
November 15 Mirror
November 16, 2004 Includes Tom Brokaw Interview.
November 16 Mirror
November 17, 2004
November 17 Mirror
November 18, 2004 Includes Woody Harrelson Interview.
November 18 Mirror
Many Thanks to Thilo Schlabach for mirroring my clips! Please use the mirrors guys!
This is from the November 17, 2004 program.
Sorry the next bunch of clips may be a bit out of order.
Daily Show opening bit November 17, 2004
Mirror of this clip)
Included in this clip:
Jon makes the insightful observation that, although the families of America were supposedly shocked and offended by the Desperate Wives/NFL cross promotional advertisement where the actresses shows off here naked....back! A bit later in that same broadcast, the same families were apparently unbothered by two women wrestling each other over a bud light. (And presumably scantilly-clad in some fashion - as is the tradition with beer ads - note: hearsay alert! I have not seen this ad)
He then goes on to discuss the first official partisan act of new CIA chief Porter Goss: to tell his ranks to shut up and support everything the Shrub Administration does (and, generally, to not question authority).
Jon ends the segment by reminding us all that Robert Novack still hasn't been penalized or prosecuted in any way for endangering the life of a CIA agent by leaking her identity in one of his articles.
This is from the November 10, 2004 program.
Note that there is a zip file of all 4 clips also available for download.
Daily Show Clips From November 10, 2004
Included in these clips:
Ashcroft's resignation and hand written resignation letter
Ed Helms on Florida's disenfranchisement ploy of a checkbox in which
voters had to affirm that "I have not be adjudicated mentally incapacitated
with respect to voting, or, if I have, my competency has been restored.
Science Scope - finding the 18,000 year-old remains of a man-like "hobbit"
Global Warming creating a lovely "Northern Sea Route" in Russia
(Makes global warming worth it all!)
Tom Wolfe interview about his new book: "I am Charlotte Simmons."
Although they're not linked or described properly yet, you should know that you can always just look in my directory by date for Daily Show clips.
There are some more in the November 2004
section, I uploaded over the weekend, for instance...
Hey sorry I haven't been posting much this week. You can get the Daily Show from November 10th here in the mean time, but I've been busy with our latest Wide Hive release, Dissent's
Swap Meet Seers.
There are 3 different songs available in their entirety
on the website.
Check it out! I'd love to know what you think.
I'll be back getting more stuff up tomorrow, or the weekend.
This is from the November 9, 2004 program.
Lewis Black Covers Some Of The New Repubs (8 MB)
Link to zip file of all November 9, 2004 clips. (39 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the November 9, 2004 program.
(Note that I've also started making zip files available for the clips I've made available for each day.)
Ed Helms On Iraq's Martial Law and Its Upcoming Elections (7 MB)
Link to zip file of all November 9, 2004 clips. (39 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the November 9, 2004 program.
Quote from Jon to Richard Armitage:
Dick. Dick. Dick. You won the election...
You don't have to lie anymore!
Daily Show On Fallujah Assault
Link to
zip file of all November 9, 2004 clips. (39 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Now why on earth would Salem want to do that? :)
This is from the November 4, 2004 program.
Daily Show Movie On Salem, Massachusetts
This is from the November 4, 2004 program.
Lewis Black On Election 2004
Lewis comments on Alaska's allowing Bear Baiting, Brad Pitt (for) vs. Mel "God is on my side" Gibson (against) on California's Prop 71 (Stem Cell Research - Yeah! it passed), and the 11 states that passed anti-gay "marriage protection" laws.
Quote from Lewis:
These ballot initiatives remind us that America is the land where people are free to dream whatever they want, so long as that dream doesn't make midwesterners feel icky!
This is from the November 4, 2004 program.
Reactions to the Election (13 MB)
This one includes Tony Blair's latest press conference brown-nose, the Shrub reaching out to people who already share his goals, and the Shrub enforcing the one-question rule while looking forward to spending his new found "political capital."
It also has footage of the Shrub being misinformed about Arafat being dead and his reaction to the news. (A fact which was clarified with a one sentence press conference.)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the November 3, 2004 program.
Jon covers Kerry's concession, Bush's relishing in his glory, and Stephen Colbert's commentary on it all.
Daily Show Clips From November 3, 2004
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
These clips are from the November 1, 2004 program.
Daily Show Comedy Clips and Interviews For November 1, 2004
Included in these (6) clips:
Jon Stewart Telling Us To Get out there and VOTE!
A two part interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace
(where he explains that Fox has a four person panel now that has to decide unanimously before a winner can be declared.)
Kerry and Bush respond to Bin Laden's new tape
Cheney, Chelsea, Bruce and Arnold On The Campaign Trail
A voting report from Ed Helms and Stephen Colbert
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
These clips are from the October 28, 2004 program.
Daily Show Clips and Interviews from October 28, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (6) clips:
-Arafat's fall
-A Red Sox Moment For Rob
-An Interview with poll taker John Zogby (with some good news :-)
-AN EXCELLENT PIECE where Stewart skillfully uses the Shrub's own words against him (
-A film documenting attitudes toward the election in a small town
-Stephen Colbert's "This Week In God"
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
These clips are from the October 27, 2004 program.
Daily Show Clips and Interviews from October 27, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (3) clips:
-Lewis Black on "the undecideds" (a.k.a. "the idiots")
-Another voting fiasco preview highlighting the Repubs strategy on voter fraud
(The Mary Poppins' etc. I mentioned in an earlier post.)
-An interview with Jesse Jackson
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 26, 2004 program of the Daily Show.
Daily Show Clips and Interviews from October 26, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth.)
In these (4) clips:
-Interview with Bob Kerrey of the 911 Commission
-The first of several "Fiasco Previews" of the Upcoming Election
-Another Messopotamia episode
-A bit featuring The Shrub and Kerry have pandering to the minority vote
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
These clips are from the October 25, 2004 program.
Daily Show October 25, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (4) clips:
-Coverage of The Shrub and Kerry on morning talk shows
-A little movie on the tax burden of winning one of Oprah's free cars
-A 2 part interview with Madeline Albright
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
These are from the October 21, 2004 program.
Daily Show Comedy Clips from October 21, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (5) clips:
The Colbert Report
Ed Helm's DSpan
Flu Vaccine Shortage
Red Sox Winning The World Series
Walmart violating ancient graveyards in Hawaii
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is the October 20, 2004 program.
Daily Show Comedy Clips from October 20, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (3) clips:
Ad for "America, The Book"
Opening bit of 10/20/04
Coverage of the the mudslinging and overexaggerating statements by Bush and Kerry during the last Presidential Debate
P-diddy etc. (Christina Aguilara - sp?) and their "Vote or Die" campaign.
"Stand and Choose" voting ads starring video game characters
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 19, 2004 program.
Daily Show Comedy Clips From October 19, 2004
Mirror of these clips
(Thanks to Internet Veterans For Truth)
Included in these (2) clips:
Lewis Black on how the Shrub Administration continually wastes our tax dollars on extravagant purchases in the name of Homeland Security and $500,000 parties for the TSA.
The opening bit from 10-19-04
Iraqi tourism board
Soldiers who refused to go on "suicide mission"
Bush saying that we will "not have an all volunteer army" and then being corrected by someone in the crowd.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Here are all the funny clips from October 18, 2004.
I'm including keywords below so this entry will still come up accordingly in a google search.
Clips from October 18, 2004.
Jon Stewart's comments on his Crossfire appearance.
Coverage of second presidential debate.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 15, 2004 program.
The clip includes the opening bit and a Mess-o-po-tamia piece, with Rummy making even less sense than usual.
Opening bit and Messopotamia Piece (Small - 13 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Daily Show September 2, 2004 Coverage of the Republican National Convention. (mirror)
Includes an interview with John McCain.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Okay I don't have the time I had hoped to present these properly (with lots of commentary and photos and all). But here's another day of RNC coverage...including an interview with whitehouse communications director Dan Bartlett.
Daily Show September 1, 2004 Coverage of the Republican National Convention.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the
August 31, 2004 program.
Here's a special RNC 'moment of zen' along with some cool closing credits which include great clips of the crowd from the convention.
RNC Moment of Zen (Small - 4 MB)
mirror of this clip
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the
August 31, 2004 program.
In this clip, Stephen Colbert goes on a fact finding mission to the streets of New York City in order to quelch all the cynics who accuse the Repubs of having the convention in NY in order to exploit 911.
Why The Repubs Picked NYC (Small - 11 MB)
mirror of the above clip
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the
August 31, 2004 program.
In this clip, Stephen Colbert gives a scathing analysis of the RNC's 911 theme.
A Time For Unmitigated Gall (Small - 6 MB)
(mirror of the above clip)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
The Daily Show's coverage of the Republican National Convention was so awesome that I've decided to bring all of it to you in its entirety.
Every day will have a "repubconv-1,2,3," an interview labeled by name and other little bits, including some "Moments of Zen" and closing credits that were just too cool to not post.
Sean Bonner has been nice enough to mirror the clips for me, so we can all see them at once (hopefully).
These clips below are from the
August 31, 2004 program.
The clip below highlights the 911 theme of the evening. McCain, Rudolph Guliani, and Michael Moore are all featured (when McCain mentions Moore by name in his speech).
911 Fest At the Repub Convention (Small - 6 MB)
Here's the complete clip of the Daily Show's opening bit of coverage that the 911 clip was excerpted from. (Small - 15 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Update 7:08 am 9/30/04 - just got boingboinged -- now's the time for those mirrors peeps -- just download from here, upload to your server, and email me with a link) Thanks!
Just wanted to make sure you guys knew these were here.
I never got around to blogging more than a couple of them individually...
Highlights include:
The Shrub Killing Time On A TV Fishing Show
An Interview With Maureen Dowd
Robert Novak Being a "Douchebag For Liberty (Again) Freedom"
(my mistake. no mistake about the douchebag part though :-)
And a really important report from Ed Helms about the organization making calls on behalf of Ralph Nader in order to re-elect George Bush.
(CSE - Citizens for a Sound Economy)
This is from the August 9, 2004 program.
Jon Stewart and his crew provide their usual excellent job of researching the facts before going to press. (Too bad the "real" press isn't as good at doing this.)
It turns out that not even one of the people in the anti-Kerry ad denouncing his purple hearts actually served with Kerry in Vietnam. They were in Vietnam at the time, but never knew Kerry. The doctor who appears in the ad also never actually treated Kerry -- or at least his name wasn't found on any of Kerry's medical records from Vietnam.
Nice try guys -- but you're no match for
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Debunking the Debunking of Kerry's Purple Hearts 7 MB
(Thanks to
Sean Bonner for mirroring this clip!)
This is from the June 24, 2004 program.
The Daily Show On The Largest Class Action Lawsuit In History Against Walmart
(For paying women less than men -- and paying them $2,000 a year under the poverty line.)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the June 28, 2004 program.
The Daily Show On Farenheit 911
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the June 21, 2004 program.
Stewart: "Mr. Vice President, I have to inform you: You're pants are on fire."
Cheney said he never stated that it was "pretty well confirmed" that meetings had taken place between Saddam's Officials and Al Queda members. The Daily Show dug up the Meet the Press coverage from December 9, 2001 that proves otherwise.
As a blogger and "traditional" journalist, I always hesitate to throw the word "lie" around unless I can validate my statement. How wonderful that we live in an age where I can present my case and back it up with evidence all on one interactive medium (for those that have quicktime, anyway...)
I also had the luxury of having the Daily Show With Jon Stewart to do my homework for me.
Here's the Complete Video Clip of the contradicting statements as presented within this larger daily show clip. (The larger clip also contains footage of the Shrub and Rummy making excuses for their past inaccurate statements.)
Here'sa tiny clip of Cheney denying he ever said the meeting was "pretty well confirmed.
(Source: CNBC)
CNBC: "You have said in the past that it was quote "pretty well confirmed."
Cheney: "No, I never said that. Never said that. Absolutely not."
Here's a little clip of the Meet the Press footage
where he clearly did say just that such a meeting was "pretty well confirmed."
(Source: Meet The Press, December 9, 2001)
Cheney: "It's been pretty well confirmed, that he didn't go to Prague and he did meet with a Senior Official of the Iraqi Intelligence service."
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the June 14, 2004 program.
Colin Powell was on Meet the Press apologizing for this last weekend -- the Shrub Administration released a War On Terror update report that had 8 pages of errors and retractions and lots of other questionable material throughout.
(Colin said he wasn't a "happy camper" having to apologize for it.)
The Shrub's Bogus Terror Report (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
I'll be linking to them over the course of the day. But here's the directory where you can look for them (whether I've linked to them or not)
Update 11:30 pm - didn't get to this today. Not sure when I will get to it because I'll soon be offline for a couple days. But I'm going to try to generate some more clips before I go.--lr
I tend to have about a 2-4 day lag in uploading something and linking to it. Sorry.
There's also an interview with Tim Russert in there in the May directory....
This is from the May 10, 2004 program.
Highlights include Rummy forgetting to bring the chart of the chain of command with him to the hearings:
Mc Cain: "Mr. Secretary, I'd like to know...I'd like you to give the committee the chain of command from the guards to you. All the way up the chain of command.
Rummy: "I think General Myers brought an indication of it..."
General Myers: "We did not bring it."
Rummy: "Oh my. It was all prepared."
Myers: "It was!"
Jon Stewart: "Let me get this straight: The two guys in charge of proving that the military has its shit together forgot to bring the chart proving it had its shit together?"
Daily Show On Rummy's Tortured Testimony (Small - 12 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the May 6, 2004 program.
Update 05/11/04: new links that work!
Jon clarifies for us, among other things, that this isn't "abuse" as Rummy and CNN like to call it:
"This is fucking torture."
(Can you say "electrofied genitals?" I knew you could.)
He also clarifies that, despite all the headlines last week saying "President Bush Apologizes," he actually did no such thing. He let his press flak do it for him.
Daily Show - Giant Messopotamia (Small - 10 MB)
Rob Courddry also gives us follow up commentary:
Rob Courddry On The US Torture Of Iraqi Prisoners
(Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
I've had last week's Daily Show since last weekend, but haven't had time to link to the clips. (Doh!)
They're all dated accordingly in My Archive.
There's also an interview with Arianna Huffington in there...
Sorry guys. I'm off in music/gradschool land and the time really flies.
(More details on this soon :-)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the April 20, 2004 program.
This goes with this 60 minutes program.
Daily Show On Bob Woodward On 60 Minutes - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 7 MB)
Daily Show On Bob Woodward On 60 Minutes - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This guy fixed some of my links, but the links that work from his page won't work if I try to use them independently in my browser (as opposed to clicking on them from his page). I'm so confused :-)
Thanks for any insight anyone has...
For now, go to his site to get to my Condi Rice links (weird).
This is from the April 6, 2004 program.
Jon brings up the brilliant point that the Shrub hasn't seemed to figure out yet who the country will be handed over to. But "the date remains firm" that it's being handed over to somebody.
Daily Show On The Shrub's Iraq Transition Strategy (Small - 13 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the April 8, 2004 program.
If you've only got a minute or two, view this:
Best Of Condi 911 Testimony - Daily Show clip. (Small - 5 MB)
Here's the whole thing in a single file and in two parts:
Condi 911 Testimony - Daily Show - Complete (Small - 18 MB)
Condi 911 Testimony - Daily Show - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 9 MB)
Condi 911 Testimony - Daily Show - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the April 7, 2004 program.
Jon and the gang take a good hard look at evoting machines.
Diebold With A Vengence (Small - 5 MB)
Diebold With A Vengence - Follow Up Analysis (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 30, 2004 program.
This is a brilliant little piece by Rob Courddry that provides first hand commentary straight from one of the world's large-scale spammers.
Daily Show - Email Trouble (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 30, 2004 program.
Daily Show On The Tyco Birthday Party Write-Off (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 29, 2004 program.
This bit includes clips of Richard Clarke's testimony before the 911 Commission, the Republican's retaliatory media frenzied response, Condi Rice on 60 Minutes (going up soon), Colin Powell's rather mild criticisms, and Clarke on Meet the Press reading a highly complimentary note of thanks sent to Clarke from the Shrub after Clarke resigned his post. Meanwhile, CIA Outer Robert Novack accuses Clarke of being racist towards Condi Rice.
Repub's Response To Clarke's Testimony (Small - 16 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 25, 2004 program.
911 Hearings Coverage - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 13 MB)
911 Hearings Coverage - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 10 MB)
These clips go nicely with the
Richard Clarke On 60 Minutes clips.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 4, 2004 program.
Mesopotamia Update (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 4, 2004 program.
Here's Jon commenting on the Mayor of New Paltz' illegal marriage solemnization:
Stewart Comments On All The Gay Marriages (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 2, 2004 program.
This clip contains footage of the "Desperation Sunday" debate on CBS with Dan Rather between the remaining four Democratic Candidates (Kerry, Edwards, Kucinich, Sharpton). The debate took place Sunday, February 29, 2004.
Highlights include the NY Time's Elizabeth Bumieller asking stupid questions like "Is God On America's side?" and the candidates having to play a little game deciding if the the barriers being placed around and through the middle of Palestine are "walls or fences?"
Daily Show On Dan Rather's Dem Debate (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the March 2, 2004 program.
This has great coverage of Aristide right before he went into exile, as well as Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell making statements that the U.S. had nothing to do with the miliary coup and that Aristide went of his own free will.
Daily Show On Haiti (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the February 10, 2004 program.
So the press are finally waking up to the fact that there are facts to support that the Shrub never reported for duty, and seemed to have gotten an honorable discharge anyway, but there are no facts to support otherwise.
These guys are finally asking questions like: "Why isn't there one person who can say he served with George W. Bush?"
Says Jon to the Press:
"What I want to know is: Where the f**k have you guys been?"
Daily Show On Shrub's Meet The Press Appearance
(Small - 4 MB)
Daily Show On Shrub's Meet The Press Appearance
(Med - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the February 9, 2004 program. (Commenting on the February 8, 2004 Meet the Press.)
The Shrub was on message, as usual. Jon created a drinking game: a shot of tequila every time the Shrub says "Terror," "Danger," or "Madman."
Here's complete
video of the Shrub's February 8, 2004 Meet The Press Interview.
Daily Show On Shrub's Meet The Press Appearance
(Small - 10 MB)
Daily Show On Shrub's Meet The Press Appearance
(Med - 18 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the November 17, 2003 program.
Jon provides some nice commentary and news clips regarding the controversy over at the Alabama Supreme Court where Chief Justice Roy Moore was removed from office by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary (Vote 9-0) after he refused to remove the ten commandments monument from the State Supreme Court.
Ten Commandments In Alabama Supreme Court (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This from the October 28, 2003 program.
Here's Part 1 of 2
Daily Show On The Black Caucus Debate - Part 2
(Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This from the October 28, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Black Caucus Debate Part 1
(Small - 13 MB)
Here's Part Two
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Walmart is accused of knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, mainly from eastern europe, to work the overnight clean up shifts. (The government claims to have taped evidence of Walmart executives agreeing to such terms.)
Ed Helms helps out with a full investigation into the situation.
This from the October 27, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Walmart Illegal Immigrant Situation (Small - 11 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Ed Helms hosts this special Daily Show Presentation. Steve Carrel makes a guest appearance.
This from the October 22, 2003 program.
Ad Nauseum's All Star Salute To Getting Hit In The Nuts (Small - 8 MB)
(update 11/9/03 - really fixed the bad link this time!)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Yes I do feel a little childish for getting excited about this.
That being said, I'm quite excited about this :-)
Jon has made a witty blogging joke!
(Jon says) "There's a lot I could say about this whole situation, and for my full thoughts, please visit my blog."
This from the October 22, 2003 program.
Jon Stewart On Liza's Divorce Case (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Nat Heatwole is the college student who stashed boxcutters and other "terrorist" supplies on six different southwest jets to prove a point a few weeks back.
It took Federal Investigators five weeks to find Heathwole, even though, the day he did it, he sent an email to the FBI confessing to the crime and including his phone number.
This from the October 22, 2003 program.
Daily Show - Nat Heatwole Security Scare (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This clip is about "the lighter side" of the trial of John Allen Mohammad, one of the two suspects on trial for the DC Sniper shootings.
Mohammad was granted permission to serve as his own lawyer before he 'fired himself' and went back to his court appointed attorneys.
This is from the October 22, 2003 program.
Daily Show - Witless For The Prosecution (Small - 3 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This includes footage of Australian Green Party member Bob Brown heckling the Shrub during his speech to the Australian senate (to which the Shrub replied "I love free speech") and the First Lady waiting obediently for her Manchurian Candidate trigger word.
This is from the October 23, 2003 program.
Daily Show - More On The Shrub's Trip To Asia (Small - 11 MB)
(Below) A lovely parade float of the Australian Prime Minister nosing up to the Shrub.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 20, 2003 program.
This is about the U.N. Security Council resolution that was passed unanimously a few weeks ago.
(I won't try to pretend to know what the resolution actually accomplished. If somebody has a link to the damn thing, please email it to me, and I'll post it here. The U.N. Security Council website is a little behind schedule apparently, and I can get its documents to manifest themselves in my browser anyway. Thanks.)
Daily Show On The U.N. Security Council Resolution (Small - 6 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
From Jon:
"This week, a harsh report of America's policy has surfaced, accusing our defense department of failing to adapt fast enough to emerging threats and questioning if America's armed forces are even up to the task. In response, an angry Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld responded by saying, 'I wrote what?!' "
This is from the October 23, 2003 program.
Daily Show On Rummy's Memo (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the Monday, October 27, 2003 program and details the bombings on Paul Wolfowitz' hotel, and, oh, the irony of it all.
Mess-o-potamia Update - October 27, 2003 (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This clip was shown after this clip on October 29, 2003.
In this clip, Rob Courddry probes further into the familiar pattern of the Shrub's blaming his mistakes on other agencies he, theoretically, has complete control over as Commander In Chief.
For example, it was the CIA's fault about the faulty WMD intelligence that was included in his State Of The Union Address. Now it's the Navy's fault for following orders and hanging up the "Mission Accomplished" sign at his May 1 press conference.
Rob Courddry On "The Sign" (Small - 6 MB)
(Below: What they meant for the sign to say.)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This clip from the October 29, 2003 show has the Shrub answering questions at his latest press conference (Oct 28-29, 2003 or so), where he talks rather vaguely about "terrorists" who are responsible for the latest round of suicide bombings in Iraq.
(This clip goes with this clip.)
What the Shrub says, and what his press secretary clarifies later, is that it's the Navy's fault for misrepresenting that the war was over with the "Mission Accomplished" sign. (Despite the fact that all the Navy did was put up the sign that the White House printed up and brought to the event.)
Jon Stewart:
"The White House is basically saying they can't be held responsible for what the Navy does with a sign that they made and brought to the ship."
Here's the little clip about "the sign":
The Shrub Blaming the Navy for "The Sign" (Small - 4 MB)
Here's the complete clip of this bit:
Jon Stewart On The President's Latest Press Conference (Small - 11 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
David Blane's latest "magic" trick was hanging in a box above London and starving himself for 45 days. I'm not kidding. That's the whole trick.
As Jon says: (paraphrase) It's incredible! How did he do it? How do millions of people in third world countries all over the world do it every day! What a feat!
Jon took it upon himself to comment on David Blane's starvation routine twice last week. Once on October 20, 2003 and again on October 21, 2003. Additionally, Ed Helms provided an insightful commentary on the subject on October 21, 2003.
Jon On David Blane - October 20 (Small - 2 MB)
Jon On David Blane - October 21, 2003 (Small - 6 MB)
Commentary On David Blane By Ed Helms (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Highlights include: the Shrub in traditional Thailand attire, the First Lady waiting to hear her Manchurian Candidate trigger word, and Colin Powell informing us all that plutonium is not edible. (Damn. The Manchurian Candidate thing is in a later clip.)
This is from the October 21, 2003 program.
The Shrub's Trip To Asia (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is incredible. The Shrub didn't tell Arnie anything important because, heck, Arnie didn't ask :-)
Only in Californi-ay. Only in the U.S. of A.
This is from the October 20, 2003 program.
Arnie and The Shrub: Twins (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Here's a little Daily Show Clip from October 20th or 21st.
(No I can't remember which - the file is named "20" but my notes say it was the 21st. So shoot me. These things happen and I'm moving to fast to go back and look.)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Simon Woodside is my hero this week.
He's been very patiently educating my stupid ass all week long about how to make my video's smaller, look better, and play well in all browsers.
Now, in all fairness Kevin Marks has been trying to help me do this for weeks (months?), but for some reason the instructions just weren't clicking in my brain. Sorry Kevin!
The first result of Simon's tutoring to come to fruition this week is a revamped version of the old Daily Show clip of Henry Kissinger heading up the "Independent" 911 investigation committee. (Yes he was subsequently taken off that committee.)
Update: lots of folks wanted a direct link to the movie file -- so there it is!
The Daily Show rendition of the event is priceless. (I re-edited it a bit.)
This all came up recently when Henry Kissinger appeared on the Daily Show this last Monday night (October 20, 2003).
So please let me know - -- how these new movies play in your browser and if you like them better. This one's just a file generated from the quicktime I generated earlier, so the quality issues can't be addressed. But, once I figure out what Simon is trying to teach me, I believe I will be delivering all of my movies in this manner. (Unless you write me to tell me it sucks and to stick with the imovie-defaulted "email" movies I've been using.)
Thanks again Simon!!!
This is a great clip. And not just cause I'm a Deanie. This is just plain funny.
Steve follows Howard around at one of his speaking engagements, and then turns the tables and makes Dean get behind the camera to film the event.
Right on to Steve Carell for putting this together.
This piece was produced by Jim Margolis and edited by Einar Westerlund.
This is from the October 9, 2003 program.
Trail and Tribulations (Small - 12 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Why is Arnie so sad about it? The salary he'll be making, and that he has to move to Sacramento :-)
This is from the October 8, 2003 program.
Steve Carell On Arnie's Sad Win (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 8, 2003 program.
More From The Daily Show On Arnie's Governorship Celebration Party (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 24, 2003 program.
Alabama is facing its worst budget crisis since the great depression. When faced with a modest tax hike or the utter decimation of its state government, Alabama voters voted for the utter decimation of the government. This will result in the closing of 52 driver's examination sites, 2 Field offices, the creation of a 4 day work week for State Troopers, hundreds of employees and prosecutor's offices being laid off, and 5,000 - 6,000 inmates being released early (among other things).
As usual, I received all of this detailed information from
The Daily Show.
Alabama Tax Crisis (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 24, 2003 program.
A court in Alabama has been forced to remove its monument of the Ten Commandments from its Federal Court Building. Stephen Colbert was there to cover the situation.
This film was produced by Jim Margolis and Edited by Einar Westerlund.
Take Two Tablets... (Small - 12 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
Wish I'd had a chance to put this up over the weekend, but I just got back into town late tonight.
A friend of mine and I were discussing the idea of creating a "groping index" of sorts that might be useful to help keep track of the 16 sexual harassment complaints about Arnie that have come in so far -- and the rest that are likely to start pouring in over the next few weeks.
Little did we know that Jon Stewart had already begun just such an index last Thursday night!
This is from the October 2, 2003 program.
Jon will be providing live results from the election tonight! Don't Miss it!
Arnie's Groping Confession and Helpful Score Card (Including Bizarre Vagina Requests) (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 23, 2003 program.
This is more information than I saw on the "traditional" news channels last week about the Shrub's plea to the U.N. for more money for his Shrub War.
Jon Stewart sums it up nicely: "We were right. You were wrong. Give us Money."
I mean it's only fair, right? Why should only Americans die in this senseless occupation?
There are also some bizarre references to "sex tourism" that I don't fully understand, and some interesting information about the Iraqi police force that isn't forming as quickly as hoped. They're trying to build a police force of 40,000, and so far they've got 800!
Daily Show On Shrub Plea To U.N. For Soldiers and Money (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 23, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The New Fish Car (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 23, 2003 program.
Daily Show On Winning Its Emmy Awards (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 1, 2003 program.
Lewis Black On The Do Not Call Registry Controversy (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the October 1, 2003 program.
The Daily Show was on the ball, right on schedule, again last night, so figured it was the least I could do to say up late again to bring this to you in a timely fashion.
Daily Show On Karl Rove Outing A CIA Agent (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 17, 2003 program.
Why do so many bad people live so damn long? Lewis Black ponders the question for us with his usual candor and style.
This clip from Lewis Black also features
Nazi's On Trampolines (Small - 1 MB) at the end.
Are You There God? It's Me, Lewis (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
At the time of this writing, the Recall is already back on.
It wasn't at the time this aired, though.
This is from the September 16, 2003 program.
Stephen Colbert On Recalling the Recall (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
There's more to it than that. But that's the funny part.
This is from the September 16, 2003.
Yassir Arafat's Media Circus (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 15, 2003 program.
Stephen Colbert On Edwards' Announcement (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 15, 2003 program.
Sorry for all the crap at the beginning of the clip -- I'm sure Comedy Central won't mind the plug. It was late, and sometimes I get sloppy, I guess...
Daily Show - Live Humans In Airline Shipping Containers, Fake IDs, and Barbie's Jewish Roots
(Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 24, 2003 program.
So I really do have another 8 clips in the kitty that will be going up today, but then this happened last night and I really felt that it demanded priority over the others.
Great real news coverage of the implications of this week's decision by the courts by Jon before the comedy kicks in with a vengeance.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw this one. I think I laughed until I cried (for a lot of different reasons).
Why is the Daily Show the only "news" program to cover the real issues surrounding the decision by the 9th District Court of Appeals to knowingly disenfranchise millions of California voters?
I can't answer that question. But I did stay up late last night to bring this to you today.
CA Recall Update - Bush v. Gore Take 2 (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This report has great coverage of the situation surrounding Briana LaHara, the 12-year-old girl who was the first to settle one of the RIAA's 261 copyright infringement lawsuits for $2,000. (However, Jon neglected to mention that filesharers around the world have since come to Briana's rescue.)
Daily Show On The RIAA's First Settlement Victim (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Anniston, Alabama, is a small town where many WMD are currently being destroyed via a giant incinerator in the middle of town. Many of the town's citizens are not at all happy about the situation and potential health risks involved.
Ed Helms takes a humorous look at what appears to be a seriou health risk for Anniston's citizens.
This segment was produced by Kathy Egan and Edited by Daric Schlesselman.
Alablama (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
ABC News upset more than a few apple carts last week when it announced it was able to sneak in some depleted uranium from Jakarta to see if it could fool customs. There actually hasn't been as much as you would think about this in the news. Luckily, the Daily Show stepped in to tell us more about the details.
Daily Show On ABC News' Depleted Uranium-Airport Security Experiment (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 11, 2003 program.
Daily Show Gaywatch Update (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 11, 2003 program.
This clip follows this one. (Watch it first. It will make the clip below a lot funnier.)
Stephen Colbert took the liberty of editing together numerous Shrub speeches in order to create a clip of him actually speaking the words that Rummy and Colin claim he's been saying all along.
Stephen Colbert On The Shrub's Consistent Iraq War-U.N. Policy (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 11, 2003 program.
These should have been edited into two different clips, but I blew it, so there it is.
The first part is a nice introspective piece from Stewart about 9-11.
Next, a great Shrub War update follows. Highlights include Rummy's new calm and sedated demeanor -- compared to his wartime royal smugness (a.k.a. "Rummy Then and Now"), Colin Powell trying to make peace in the U.N., and both Rummy and Colin saying that the Shrub has always sought U.N. involvement.
If you think this is revisionist history. Just wait till you see the Stephen Colbert clip that follows!
Partial Transcript:
Jon Stewart:
Now while the President's decision to seek a resolution giving the U.N. a greater role in Iraq seems like...uh...I don't know... a 180? Administration Officials say this has been the plan all along.Donald Rumsfield put it this way: "This isn't anything new. There's no big news story here."
Colin Powell says: "The President has said this from the very beginning."
They've been saying these things the whole time? I can't believe I didn't realize that. I must be reading the wrong papers. Watching the wrong tv new shows. Listening to the wrong radio stations. Living on the wrong planet.
9-11 Intro and The Shrub's 180 Degree Turnaround On U.N. Involvement In Iraq (Small - 11 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 10, 2003 program.
Rob Courddry On The CA Recall 9/10/03 (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 16, 2003 program.
Daily Show's Recall On The Recall (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 10, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The CA Recall 9/10/03 (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 9, 2003 program.
This entry goes with this post.
This is from the
Rob Corddry On The Dem Debate (Small - 6 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
I do have this debate in the kitty, by the way. It's all captured and everything, I just have to generate the quicktime movies from it.
This is from the September 9, 2003 program.
Jon shows no mercy, but, of course, Howard Dean comes out ahead of the pack.
Daily Show On The Democrat Debate (Small - 13 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the September 9, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Shrub's Latest Iraq Ploy (Small - 11 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Hey I've still got ya covered on Daily Show clips. They've just been taking a long vacation.
Some of you expressed worry about missing out so I just want to let you know: no worries.
I do have to send my camera out for servicing, so I might get a week behind -- but I'll be recording it all and will catch up soon.
This is from the August 20, 2003 program.
CA Recall Update (Smart - 6 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 20, 2003 program.
Rob Lowe As Arnie's Political Advisor (Small - 6 MB)
Lisa's voting NO on the recall and YES on Cruz Bustamante.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 21, 2003 program.
Daily Show On New Shrub/Rummy/Powell dolls (Small - 3 MB)
Shrub "inaction figure" with Cool Ranch grip.
Rummy Doll with "action scowl"
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
So the Dems in Texas had to "vote with their feet" again and go running in order to block a Republican-backed redistricting measure that would recount the districts in such a way that the Republicans would end up with more seats. (For more information on this, read the letter from Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis that I just posted from MoveOn.
This clip has Stephen Colbert interviewing Senator Rodney Ellis and Senator Leticia Van De Putte, two of the "runaways."
This piece was edited by Einar Westerlund and produced by Jim Margolis.
Runaway For The Border (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 21, 2003 program.
Ashcroft's Victory Act Tour (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is just a funny intro bit from August 21, 2003 where Jon addresses the fact that the clip from the night before was a bit...well...obscene. (In a good way.)
Daily Show Aug 21 Intro (Small - 2 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
The Daily Show's Mo Rocca has really outdone himself this time!
This has got to be one of the funniest bits I've ever seen.
Apparently, there's a new syphilis outbreak, and the Dept. of Health hired an advertising company to run some focus groups and find out the best way to deal with the problem.
The result: The Healthy Penis. A squeaky clean fallice with a big smile to help people understand about healthy genital hygiene. San Francisco residents responded very positively to The Healthy Penis.
Everything seemed great, until it was time for The Healthy Penis to bring the campaign down to Los Angeles. Citizens there, such as Ron Jeremy, objected to a healthy penis being used as a symbol for syphilis. As an alternative, organizations in L.A. created "Phil the Sore" to start a negative campaign using scare tactics to educate the public about syphilis, (rather than having a healthy genital representative's positive tips and information).
This film was produced by Jim Margolis and Edited by Einar Westerlund.
This is from the August 20, 2003 program.
The Daily Show - Sore Loser (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Daily Show - Messopotamia Part 2 (Small - 3 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 19, 2003 program.
Daily Show - Messopotamia Part 1 (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
There's an introduction in the beginning by Jon Stewart with a clip of Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman saying "have you ever seen the United States take the blame for anything?"
According to Stewart, the US tried to blame Canada for the Blackout at first -- before it was discovered that it was a problem with the US side of the grid after all.
Samantha Bee -- Canadian Beacon (Small - 11 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This clip has footage of the Shrub explaining the lesson we were supposed to learn from the blackout: we need to upgrade our power grid! (Of course.)
Funny, a friend of mine was telling me this morning that all the conspiracy theorists were speculating on the Shrub saying this before the week was out, and that Halliburton would probably get the contract. I guess the Stewart heard the same rumours. (Or started them :-)
This is from the August 18, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Blackout Of 2003 (Small - 3 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 12, 2003 program.
Daily Show On Spy Blimp (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 11, 2003 program.
Broken Dream Index (Small - 2 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 11, 2003 program.
Daily Show Liberia Update (Small - 6 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 12, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The New EPA Boss (Small - 13 MB)
Here's some other bizarre footage (Small - 3 MB) of the forest fire stock footage (presumably from an EPA reel) that was shown during the credits at the end of this show.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 12, 2003 program.
The Fair and Balanced Daily Show (Small - 6 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 7, 2003 program.
Here's the really, really funny part.
Here's the whole thing:
Rob Couddry On The CA Recall (Small - 8MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Lisa's voting against the recall and for Cruz Bustamante.
This is from the August 6, 2003 program.
Daily Show On Media Covering Itself Covering Kobe's Case (Small - 2 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Ed Helms: Using My Religion (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
I'll be posting a lot of these ongoing recall election reports, so I'm just going to start dating them in the title of the blog entry so you can keep them apart.
This is from the August 7, 2003 program.
CA Gov Recall Update - August 7, 2003 (Small - 12 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Lisa's voting against the recall and for Cruz Bustamante.
Hope I got the dates right on these guys. I'm pretty much in "catch up like a madwoman" mode...It's from August 6, 2003 -- I think :-)
A pair of comedy clips to assist in furthering the aggressive homosexual agenda, courtesy of The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
GayWatch (Small - 10 MB)
Stephen Colbert On The Recent Gaysplosion! (Small - 9 MB)
This is from August 4, 2003 -- but there'll be lots more where that came from from the Daily Show on the CA Gov Recall from last week.
The Daily Show On The CA Recall Election (Small - 8 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Hey, well take publicity any way we can get it!
This is from the August 5, 20003 program.
Smells Like Dean Spirit (Small - 12 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the August 5, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Search For Saddam (Small - 14 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 31, 2003 program.
Cheney Reaction (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 29, 2003 program.
Here's Stephen Colbert On Habitat For Humanity's Poverty Theme Park.
(Will the new theme park shut down existing crowd pleasers like the local telephone museum?)
Next, Stephen takes you on a journey through the exciting world of substandard housing!
Oh The Humanity (Small - 12 MB)
(Here's the real Habitat for Humanity)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 30, 2003 program.
Saudi Royal Family Demands Missing Pages Be Made Public (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 31, 2003 program.
Jon Stewart On Gay Marriage (Small - 2 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 30, 2003 program.
This sequence has some great footage of Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Committee On Foreign Relations.
Sen. Joseph Biden (D) plead with Wolfowitz to "give him a break," asking "when are you guys startin' to be honest with us? Come on!" -- after Wolfowitz tells Congress that the military budget he submitted for next year did not include costs for the continued operation in Iraq.
Congress Pleads With Wolfowitz (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 29, 2003 program.
Daily Show Mess O' Potamia Update (Small - 5 MB)
Of interest was the "Organization of Women's Freedom In Iraq," banner (below).
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 30, 2003 program.
The Shrub In Israel (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Here's Lewis Black on the July 30, 2003 program.
Back in Black: July 30, 2003 (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 30, 2003 program.
This was also Samantha Bee's first feature segment on the show -- Nice job Samantha!
This one's for Jason, and of course, Dave Nelsons everywhere.
Dave Nelson No Fly List (Small - 10 MB)
A gaggle of Dave Nelsons (below).
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 31, 2003 program.
Wow. You really have to see this to believe it.
Daily Show On Shrub's "9th Solo" Press Conference (Small - 15 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 28, 2003 Daily Show.
This is actually a two parter -- the first part being Jon's newscast and the second part being Stephen Colbert's abstract take on the missing pages.
Daily Show On The Missing Pages from 911 Report - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 5 MB)
Daily Show On The Missing Pages from 911 Report - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 9 MB)
Daily Show On The Missing Pages from 911 Report - Complete (Small - 14 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 24, 2003 program.
Daily Show On The Shrub's Latest WMD Stragegy (Small - 5 MB)
Actual grab from presidential website (below):
Not an actual grab from the presidential website (below):
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the July 24, 2003 program.
California Gov. Recall Update - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 7 MB)
California Gov. Recall Update - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 7 MB)
California Gov. Recall Update - ALL (Small - 13 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is from the show that aired Monday, July 28, 2003.
The Daily Show On RIAA's Funny Commercials and Suing It's Own Customers (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Darned Good Intelligence (Small - 3 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
I don't know what to make of any of this yet. At first glance, it looks like we're looking for an excuse to set up a base in Africa -- but like I said -- I don't know nuthin' about African politics or the history behind the current conflicts over there.
I just know I want to track the situation, and that I don't want to mix this stuff in with the domestic policy issues going on at my Shrub Watch category.
Daily Show On The Shrub In Africa (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This piece provides a brilliant wrap up of this last week's events - From the Shrub's "Bring them on" episode, to Tommy Franks' resignation and the Shrub's skirting the issue of inaccuracies in his State Of The Union Address (in his own words).
This is from last night's show - July 10, 2003.
Daily Show On Shrub's WMD Self-Defense (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Or as I like to call it, the "Let's blow another 30 million the state doesn't have drawing attention away from the energy scandal, instead of focusing on getting our 7 Billion back from the real crooks" campaign.
These are both from the June 17, 2003 Daily Show.
Jon Stewart On The CA Recall (Small - 6 MB)
Lewis Black On The CA Recall (Small - 9 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Here are two clips from the June 16, 2003 episode:
Mess O' Potamia - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 5 MB)
Mess O' Potamia - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Here's a clip from the June 17, 2003 daily show that satirizes a group of old folks' monthly voyage into Canada Mexico to pick up their prescription medicines at the price they can almost afford:
License To Pill
By request, for Mark.
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Blix said it, and he says he said it. He just didn't think it would be printed.
Was he referring to members of the U.S. Government? Or one of the many other "bastards" in Washington? (The town is known to have its share.) The world may never know.
Blix was intentionally vague about who the "bastards" were. He's not a career diplomat for nuthin'!
That's the great thing about being intentionally vague :-)
Hans Blix On The "Bastards" Remark (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
So there's no connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government the U.S. just overthrew and the Shrub Administration has known this since last year?
So much for the "we had to invade Iraq because of 911" rationalization.
Daily Show: Osama and Sadaam Weren't Buddies (Small - 4 MB)
This Daily Show clip is based on this story by the NY Times:
C.I.A.; Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad
Two of highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody reportedly tell CIA in separate interrogations that Al Qaeda did not work jointly with Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein; Abu Zubaydah, Qaeda planner and recruiter until his capture in Mar 2002, is said to tell questioners that Osama bin Laden vetoed idea of working with Hussein's government because he did not want to be beholden to Hussein; separately, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Qaeda chief of operations until his capture this Mar, tells interrogators that group did not work with Hussein; spokesmen at White House, State Dept and Pentagon decline to comment on why Zubaydah's debriefing report was not publicly disclosed by Bush administration last year
Here is the full text of the partial excerpt of the article that is still available online at the time of this writing:
Foreign Desk | June 9, 2003, Monday
THREATS AND RESPONSES: C.I.A.; Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad
By JAMES RISEN (NYT) 781 words
Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 1 , Column 1
ABSTRACT - Two of highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody reportedly tell CIA in separate interrogations that Al Qaeda did not work jointly with Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein; Abu Zubaydah, Qaeda planner and recruiter until his capture in Mar 2002, is said to tell questioners that Osama bin Laden vetoed idea of working with Hussein's government because he did not want to be beholden to Hussein; separately, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Qaeda chief of operations until his capture this Mar, tells interrogators that group did not work with Hussein; spokesmen at White House, State Dept and Pentagon decline to comment on why Zubaydah's debriefing report was not publicly disclosed by Bush administration last year; senior intelligence official plays down significance of both debriefings, saying everything Qaeda detainees say must be regarded with great skepticism; other intelligence and military officials say evidence of possible links between Hussein's government and Al Qaeda were discovered both before war and since, but no conclusive evidence of joint terrorist operations has been found (M) Two of the highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody have told the C.I.A. in separate interrogations that the terrorist organization did not work jointly with the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, according to several intelligence officials.
Abu Zubaydah, a Qaeda planner and recruiter until his capture in March 2002, told his questioners last year that the idea of working with Mr. Hussein's government had been discussed among Qaeda leaders, but that Osama bin Laden had rejected such proposals, according to an official who has read the Central Intelligence Agency's classified report on the interrogation.
Here's a thoughtful piece by Jon Stewart that he wrote up when he realized that if you combine the Shrub's new policy of continuing to relax the last 30 years of EPA regulations with last week's (undoubtedly unconstitutional) Amendment that was passed in one of the Houses banning burning the flag as a form of political speech, it would appear that the flag is the only thing you aren't allowed to burn in the U.S.
Flag burning: A Jon Stewart Perspective (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Repubs Stop Low Income Families From Receiving New Child Tax Credit (Small - 3 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
Roadmap For Peace - RIP (Small - 4 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
U.S. Brings Monarchy Back To Iraq? (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show (The best news on television.)
This is the also from June 9, 2003 and followed the other two clips I posted earlier from that date (Democrat Montage) (Flooding The Zone).
Tony Blair Defends Himself (Small - 5 MB)
Tony Blair Defends Himself (Hi-Res - 63 MB)
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
This clip is also from June 9th and provides a great recap of the fast talking going on by the Repubs all day Sunday on the various major news networks regarding their WMD lies. Stewart has edited in a little footage from one of Colin Powell's WMD speeches, just so we can all refresh our memory about what was said.
I'm also about to post some footage of my own that I was able to dig up from the weeks before the Shrub War that should help to refresh our memories a bit :-)
"The Republicans, for the first time in this Administration, are on the defensive. Their tactic can be best described as "flooding the zone."
The Repubs Flood The Zone (Small - 7 MB)
The Repubs Flood The Zone (Hi-Res - 96 MB)
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
Jon Stewart has put together a nice montage of Democrats asking the Shrub "where the heck are the WMDs?"
These clips are from the June 9, 2003 Daily Show.
Democrats Ask About WMDs (Small - 8 MB)
Democrats Ask About WMDs (Hi-Res - 102 MB)
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
Just a little snippet for fun's sake for a reader by special request.
This one's for Joshua!
The Shrub is off to the middle east...
Daily Show Texodus Clip (Small - 4 MB)
Daily Show Texodus Clip (Hi-Res - 42 MB)
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
According to the IRS Website, thanks to the extra $400 you might be able to get for each kid this summer, parenting doesn't have to be the same old thankless, pain in the ass of an experience:
In the summer of 2003, your kids could be memorable for more than just a skinned knee, a stray dog, or a boyfriend with an earring. This summer your kids could be the reason you get a special check from Uncle Sam! And all you have to do is cash it.
By the way, there are parts of this bit that Lewis Black isn't kidding about. There really is a baby surrounded by money on the cover of the IRS Website.
Here's a link to the
other section of the IRS website he pokes fun at. (Yes I've saved a picture of it in case they take it down, but right now you can look for yourself.)
Lewis Black On The New Tax Cuts (Small - 9 MB)
Lewis Black On The New Tax Cuts (Hi-Res - 115 MB)
Republican Kiddie Porn
You may not have seen anything on television in the news this week about the FCC Media Ownership Vote, probably because the five media conglomerates that own the news didn't think it was important to tell you about it. (And that's what happens when there are only five different companies deciding what you see and don't see on television.)
Luckily, The Daily Show came through with a full report.
Daily Show On FCC Vote (Small - 10 MB)
Daily Show On FCC Vote (Hi-res - 91 MB)
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
Here's a little ditty to start off this fine day -- Courtesy of
The Daily Show (the best news on television).
Shrub Dodges WMD Question (Small - 2 MB)
Shrub Dodges WMD Question (Hi-res - 15 MB)
Update 6/17/03: There has been an important development in this story.
There are two parts: Part 1 from the May 13, 2003 broadcast and Part 2 from the May 14, 2003 broadcast.
The other articles and blog links below are just FYI in case you wish to learn more about what happened. I'm still trying to understand it completely myself, but it sure is fun to watch!
May 13, 2003 Broadcast:
Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 1 of 2 (Small - 7 MB)
Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 1 of 2 (Hi-Res - 93 MB)
Audio - Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 1 of 2 (MP3 - 4 MB)
May 14, 2003 Broadcast:
Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 2 of 2 (Small - 5 MB)
Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 2 of 2 (Hi-Res - 70 MB)
Audio - Daily Show On The Texas Democrat Walk Out - Part 2 of 2 (MP3 - 3 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Bid to Find Tex. Lawmakers Decried
Federal Workers Were Led to Believe They Were Looking for Downed or Lost Plane
By Christopher Lee for the Washington Post.
Over 50 Texas Democrats Remain on the Lam
By April Castro for the Associated Press.
Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:
(the other article is included below this one)
Bid to Find Tex. Lawmakers Decried
Federal Workers Were Led to Believe They Were Looking for Downed or Lost Plane
By Christopher Lee
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 16, 2003; Page A27
A Texas political battle turned into a matter of national security for a few hours this week when state officials enlisted the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help track down more than 50 Democratic state lawmakers who had vanished from Austin.
The Democrats fled the state over the weekend, depriving House Speaker Tom Craddick, a Republican, of the quorum he needed to pass several controversial bills, including one that would redraw Texas's congressional districts in favor of the GOP. On Monday, Craddick and other Republicans dispatched state troopers to round up the legislative fugitives and bring them back to the Texas Capitol.
State police officials, in turn, called in federal help as they pursued a rumor that Rep. James E. "Pete" Laney, a former Texas House speaker, had ferried fellow Democrats out of state aboard his Piper turboprop airplane. A state investigator called the Air and Marine Interdiction Coordination Center in Riverside, Calif., part of the Homeland Security Department, to ask officials there to use their nationwide radar network to help locate the plane.
The call from the unnamed investigator came as an "urgent plea," describing a plane with state officials aboard that was overdue, according to a statement issued yesterday by the Homeland Security Department's Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
"We got a problem, and I hope you can help me out," the statement quoted the officer as saying. "We had a plane that was supposed to be going from Ardmore, Okla., to Georgetown, Tex. It had state representatives on it, and we cannot find this plane."
Believing they had an emergency on their hands, agency officials called the Federal Aviation Administration in Fort Worth, and airport officials in two other Texas cities, but were unable to find the plane.
"When law enforcement calls us asking for assistance in locating an aircraft that may be missing or lost or downed, it's certainly an appropriate response to try to locate that aircraft," said Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the bureau. "We take these statements at face value."
In fact, there was no plane. Most of the Democrats had taken buses to Ardmore, where they holed up in a hotel. They were expected to stay there until at least midnight last night -- the deadline for new bills to be brought to the House floor.
The only thing in jeopardy was the GOP legislative agenda.
Democrats in Washington seized on the episode yesterday after the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Dallas Morning News reported on the incident this week. Several vented their outrage on the House floor yesterday. They accused Craddick and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), the chief proponent of the redistricting plan, of misusing their official powers for political ends. They said both Republicans had turned to the Justice Department as well as to Homeland Security for help.
"Not since Richard Nixon and Watergate 30 years ago has anyone tried to use law enforcement agencies of the federal government for domestic political purposes," Rep. Martin Frost (D-Tex.), a longtime foe of DeLay in redistricting battles, said in an interview. "This is an abuse of criminal- and terrorist-fighting resources of the U.S. government for a domestic political matter. . . . There should be a complete investigation."
Rep. Jim Turner (Tex.), ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Homeland Security, said it was "deeply disturbing" that federal resources were diverted to try to track down Laney, who, in a show of bipartisanship, had introduced George W. Bush before the president-elect gave a speech after the Supreme Court settled the outcome of the 2000 election.
"We created the Department of Homeland Security to track down terrorists, not law-abiding citizens," Turner said.
Rep. John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, joined eight other House Democrats yesterday in asking the acting inspector general at Homeland Security to investigate what happened.
"If true, this report represents a shameful diversion of taxpayer resources for partisan purposes," the lawmakers wrote to Clark Kent Irvin.
DeLay spokesman Jonathan Grella said DeLay did not seek federal help in forcing the Democrats back to Austin. DeLay did pass along to the Justice Department Craddick's inquiry on whether federal law enforcement could assist in the manhunt, Grella said.
"We've had no contact with Homeland or the FBI," said Grella, who asserted that Democrats were trying to detract attention from their "shirking" of their legislative duties in Austin.
"This is a smoke screen," Grella said. "[W]e certainly are disappointed that they've resorted to flat-out lying to hold on to power."
A spokesman for Craddick, who became speaker this year after Republicans won control of the House for the first time since Reconstruction, said Craddick did not tell the state police to seek federal help.
"He called them [state police] in and let them do their job," said Bob Richter, the spokesman. "There was an effort made to find out if they could get some federal help in that. It was either turned down, or they found out they couldn't do it. By the end of the day Monday, it was a dead issue [because the lawmakers were found]. . . . I think Craddick is getting credit for a lot of things other people did. He may have said, 'Let's do what we can to find them.' "
Tom Vinger, a spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety, said it was routine to seek federal assistance. "We feel that we conducted a thorough and professional investigation," he said.
Richter said Craddick just wants the Democrats to come back and has acknowledged that the House will not take up the redistricting bill this session, which ends June 2. "He's repeatedly said there's not going to be retaliation," Richter said. "He wants to get back to business and salvage what we can."
Late yesterday, the Associated Press reported that Democrats declared victory and posed for a photograph at the Holiday Inn in Ardmore. "Now that we have been able to kill redistricting, we are able to go back and finish the business of this state," state Rep. Craig Eiland said.
Here is the full text of the article (below) in case the link goes bad:,1282,-2671636,00.html
Over 50 Texas Democrats Remain on the Lam
Tuesday May 13, 2003 6:59 PM
Associated Press Writer
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Three Democrats returned to the Capitol on Tuesday, but more than 50 remained on the lam in Oklahoma, frustrating Republican efforts to push through a plan to redraw the state's congressional districts.
The rebellious Democrats were holed up at a hotel in Ardmore, Okla. They sneaked out of Austin on Sunday after spending several days discussing ways to derail a GOP plan to redraw the districts that seeks to increase the number of Republican seats.
With 58 Democrats gone on Monday, the 150-member House was unable to muster the two-thirds quorum needed to conduct business. House Speaker Tom Craddick called the House to order Tuesday morning but even with the return of three Democrats, there still were enough missing to block any House business.
The three returning Democrats were welcomed back into the House chamber with hugs and supportive words from their Republican colleagues. One Democrat, Rep. Helen Giddings, fought back tears as she stated her desire to stop the redistricting plan.
The defiant Democrats in Oklahoma said they would stay away until Republicans agreed to drop the redistricting plan.
"It's totally up to Craddick, and he has been so advised," one of the Democrats told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity. "If he'll get redistricting off the calendar, we'll be right there bright and early."
Craddick said he was not interested in negotiating.
Republicans constructed signs and gimmicks ridiculing their colleagues. They plastered the Democrats' faces on milk cartons, and state Republican chair Susan Weddington, borrowing from the "most wanted Iraqi" cards, announced she had playing cards featuring the missing legislators.
House rules allow state troopers to arrest lawmakers and bring them back to the Capitol. On Monday, Craddick had ordered troopers to find the missing lawmakers, arrest them and bring them back to Austin. Several agents arrived at the Democrats' hotel in Ardmore on Monday night but they did not have jurisdiction outside of Texas and did not have a warrant issued by Oklahoma authorities.
Instead, the troopers asked the legislators to board their aircraft and return home, but the lawmakers refused.
The capped months of tension between Democrats and the newly-in-control Republicans.
"They're legislative terrorists and their leaving today is a weapon of mass obstruction, blocking hundreds of pieces of legislation," Republican Rep. Dan Branch said Monday.
The Democrats said they were taking a stand for fair treatment of the minority party. They said U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, had pushed the Texas House to take up the issue of congressional redistricting instead of more pressing matters, such as the state budget.
"There are some issues that are important to us, important to all Texans," Rep. Pete Gallego said.
The state already has a court-drawn redistricting map, but Republicans say it doesn't match state voting trends and want to redo the plan. Their proposal could add five to seven GOP House seats to the 15 already in Republican hands. The state has 32 members in the U.S. House.
Redistricting had been scheduled on the House calendar for Monday. The deadline for preliminarily votes on House bills is Thursday or they risk dying for the session, which ends June 2.
The Texas House cannot convene without at least 100 of the 150 members present. The body has 88 Republicans and 62 Democrats. Four Democrats had stayed behind and the whereabouts of four others were not known.
The missing Democratic lawmakers spent Monday in a hotel conference room, where large sheets of paper taped to the walls were used as makeshift chalkboards and long tables were filled with laptop computers, stacks of papers and notebooks.
They said they discussed school financing, homeowners insurance and other issues.
Republican Gov. Rick Perry lambasted the Democrats for deserting the Legislature, saying "we might as well shut this building down and let it become a museum because the work of the people is through."
The Republicans and the few Democrats who were left milled around. Some left the chamber and were elsewhere in the Capitol. They weren't be required to stay on the House floor Tuesday as they had all day Monday.
Craddick said Perry assured him he would call a special session after the regular session if it's needed.
The walkout came 24 years to the month since a group of 12 Texas state senators defied then-Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby by refusing to show up at the Capitol.
Some of the "Killer Bees," as the 12 Democrats came to be known, hid out in a west Austin garage apartment while troopers, Texas Rangers and legislative sergeants-at-arms unsuccessfully combed the state for them.
On the Net:
Update On Cheney's Health (Small - 4 MB)
Update On Health Of Cheney's Relationship With Halliburton (Small - 3 MB)
One Big Cheney Update (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
This just in from the Daily Show:
...the U.S. has told the World Health Organization it will not sign a groundbreaking treaty to curb global tobacco use, a treaty negotiated by 171 countries. The U.S. will only sign the treaty, and this is true, if a clause is added allowing us to opt-out of any part of the treaty at any time. It's the latest twist of theh Bush Administration's practice of only signing International Treaties ironically.So to sum up, America's current even handed stance on international relations is "we do what we want, you do what we want."
A policy encapsulated on Airforce One's latest novelty bumpersticker "How's my diplomacy? Call 1-800-EAT SHIT."
Tobacco Shrub - Anti-tobacco Treaty Bait and Switch (Small - 3 MB)
Tobacco Shrub - Anti-tobacco Treaty Bait and Switch (Hi-Res - 34 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Hey guys - there's already a small version of this up that I just screwed up the code for earlier...Sorry 'bout that...Next Time -- let me know if something like this happens...okay guys? :-)
Here's the Daily Show's take on the story I just blogged about last week's big Wall St. Fraud payoff.
Daily Show On Wall St. Payoff - 4-29-03 (Small - 4 MB)
No high res available at this time :-(
Daily Show On Wall St. Payoff - 4-29-03 (Hi-Res - 47 MB) -->
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Why hasn't anybody in the popular press put together this kind of comparison?
This is another one of those, "That's hilarious!" (laugh until I cry) kind of moments.
By committing our country to years of "nationbuilding" in Iraq, the Shrub is doing exactly what he promised he wouldn't do when he was running for President in 2000.
I suppose the rationale is that 911 changed his mind. (So let's just get that out of the way.)
Anyway here it is. I'm gonna go get a coffee while the high resolution version is crunching. Then it will take a while longer to upload that sucker (it'll be a biggie).
Also note the MP3 of the audio below -- this sounds just as great without the pictures -- and I've also uploaded the uncompressed AIFF file -- so that those of you who are so inclined can do your creative mischief.
Daily Show: Bush v. Bush (Small - 13 MB)
Uploading as of 10:45 am PST: Daily Show: Bush v. Bush (Hi-res - 160 MB)
Daily Show: Bush v. Bush (MP3 - 8 MB)
Uncompressed AIFF file - Daily Show: Bush v. Bush (45 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Lewis Black: Coalition of the Schilling (Small - 3 MB)
Lewis Black: Coalition of the Schilling (Hi-res - 33 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
The thing I don't get is, if it's so potentially offensive, why not pull it from international distribution? Are Americans the only ones who might be offended?
(It didn't sound very offensive anyway, from Stewart's description of it.)
The Ex-Queen Of Controversy Gets Material (Small - 4 MB)
The Ex-Queen Of Controversy Gets Material (Hi-Res - 57 MB)
Open Letter to Madonna,What happened Madonna? Were you pressured into this? Are there things going on we'll never get a chance to understand? Well maybe so. But on the outside, it sure looks like you cracked under the pressure. You censored yourself.
Somehow, you were able to express yourself just a few months ago in a certain way, and now, for whatever reason, you don't feel comfortable doing so.
How sad indeed. How completely sad that artists no longer feel like they can express themselves in the U.S. without worrying about the backlash.
I hope you can talk about the experience publicly someday so we can all learn from it.
Lisa Rein

The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
This one speaks for itself guys...
Lewis Black On Dicks That Buy Hummers (Small - 5 MB)
Lewis Black On Dicks That Buy Hummers (Hi-res - 62 MB)
Meanwhile, the rich keep getting richer:
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Daily Show On Fox News (Small - 7 MB)
Daily Show On Fox News (Hi-res 86 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Daily Show - Shrub's Message To The Iraqis (Small - 3 MB)
Daily Show - Shrub's Message To The Iraqis (Hi-res 43 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Stephen Colbert takes on the delicate question: "What exactly should the media's role be in covering this war?"
Daily Show - The Role Of Media During Wartime (Small - 8 MB)
Daily Show - The Role Of Media During Wartime (Hi-res - 113 MB)
"As a responsible journalist, I've taken my doubts, fears, moral compass, conscience and all pervading skepticism about the very nature of this war and placed them in this empty Altoids box. That is where they'll stay, safe and sound, until Iraq is liberated."
-- Stephen Colbert, Senior-Senior Media Analyst, The Daily Show.

The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Not only has Rumsfeld had it with the media -- The military has had it with him.
(Or so everyone says. Rummy says "Don't believe it!")
This from the April 3, 2003 show and discusses not only Donald Rumsfeld's frustration with the media, but also, the trouble with using sports analogies when discussing the war.
Rumsfeld's Media Frustration (Small - 6 MB)
Rumsfeld's Media Frustration (Hi-res - 78 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
Wow. This is classic stuff.
In the U.S., some of the best "real news" on TV comes with comedy afterwards.
Just to clarify: yes, he has been asked to leave (all official-like), and, no, he is not leaving.
Part 1 is the headlines report by Jon. Part 2 is a special report by Stephen Colbert on the subject where he does a take off on what got Geraldo fired.
Daily Show On Geraldo's Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 1 of 2 (Small - 8 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo's Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 2 of 2 (Small - 7 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo's Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 1 of 2 (Hi-res 102 MB)
Daily Show On Geraldo's Getting Booted Out of Iraq Part 2 of 2 (Hi-res 95 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
(Note: Yeah okay, I've just changed this from "censorship" to "self-censorship", per the comment below. It was self-censorship to begin with. Sorry 'bout that.--lr)
Since when does "Peace" become a political statement.
Is there a flip side to "peace." A time and a place for "peace" now?
Jon mourns accordingly on the Daily Show.
Daily Show On Self-Censorship 4/1/03 (Small - 6 MB)
Daily Show On Self-Censorship 4/1/03 (Hi-res - 78 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
The Daily Show On Donald Rumsfeld (Small - 5 MB)
The Daily Show On Donald Rumsfeld (Hi-res - 57 MB)
"We're in the middle of a war -- He's starting another war."
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
The Daily Show On Peter Arnett (Small - 7 MB)
The Daily Show On Peter Arnett (Hi-res - 98 MB)
The Daily Show -- the best news on television.
The Daily Show is turning out to be a vital source of news and information during this war.
Jon and the gang are gracious as always as they connect the frightening, depressing dots. (Note: here's an update on some developments in this situation since this clip was originally posted.)
Daily Show On Halliburton Contract (Small 9 MB)
Little Halliburton Movie (Hi-res 8 MB)
The Daily Show's Stacey Grenrock-Woods On How Buffalo Are Hunted These Days (3 MB)
Daily Show Comedy Clip - On What Would Have Been Number 300
I'll be catching up on all the excellent Daily Show comedy clips from the last week, now that I'm back home.
March 17, 2003 Daily show Opening Bit - 1 Hour Azores Summit (3 MB)
Perhaps you heard about last week's story where a citizen was arrested for wearing a "Give Peace A Chance" T-Shirt in an upstate NY shopping mall.
If not -- here's the poop, Daily Show Style.
Daily Show On Peace T-shirt Mall Arrest Part 1 of 2 (Lo-res 9 MB)
Daily Show On Peace T-shirt Mall Arrest Part 2 of 2 (Lo-res 9 MB)
Daily Show On Peace T-shirt Mall Arrest - Parts 1 and 2 (Lo-res 17 MB)
The Daily Show has put together a beautiful little couple of sequences about the Shrub's latest attack on the Constitution (and the very important separation of church and state).
Part 1 includes the Shrub at a recent conference for religious broadcasters in which he takes a whack at preaching on the pulpit himself.
You have to see this to believe it. Unbelievable.
Part 2 takes a stab at the Shrub's prison faith programs (when he's not killing 'em, he's saving 'em).
Part 3 is Stephen Colbert's new "Constitution Shmonstitution" series in which he lets the author of the Faith-based initiative explain how vague the requirements are to qualify for funding.
Daily Show Faith Part 1 (All) (Lo-res 13 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 1 (1 of 2) (Lo-res 8 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 1 (2 of 2) (Lo-res 6 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 2 (Lo-res 6 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 3 (All) (Lo-res 12 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 3 (1 of 2) (Lo-res 4 MB)
Daily Show Faith Part 3 (2 of 2) (Lo-res MB)
Ride the Faith-Based Gravy Train! Woo! Woo!
Daily Show February 20, 2003 Clips: The Re-Freakening of America
Refreak Part 1 of 2 (Lo-res 9 MB)
Refreak Part 2 of 2 (Lo-res 10 MB)
Refreak In 1 Piece (Hi-res 32 MB)
Refreak In 1 Piece (Lo-res 16 MB)
Jon Stewart with his usual impeccable timing:
Jon Stewart On Last Weekend's Numbers (Hi-res - 17 MB)
Jon Stewart On Last Weekend's Numbers (Med-res - 13 MB)
Jon Stewart On Last Weekend's Numbers (Lo-res - 7 MB)
Jon Stewart does his usual classy job of making light of the horrible truth about Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
(the quote below is from Frist's own autobiography):
Bill Frist - Cat Killer (Hi-res 23 MB)
Bill Frist - Cat Killer (Med-res 18 MB)
Bill Frist - Cat Killer (Lo-res 12 MB)
Bill Frist - Cat Killer (MP3 - 3 MB)
I don't know if he just forgets to take his meds sometimes or what.
Here's the Shrub from Monday's Daily Show
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Hi-res 22 MB)
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Med-res 17 MB)
Shrub On Iraq and North Korea (Lo-res 10 MB)
We didn't elect our "President."
We didn't elect our "President."
There, say it a few more times. Don't you feel better?
Usually I'm using Daily Show Clips to help teach history lessons. This time it's a fun lesson in current events.
This one's only funny cuz it's true -- making it a little less funny perhaps after you think about it for a second...
I've made the video available in high, medium and low resolutions, along with an MP3 of the audio (5 MB).
So You're Living In A Police State - 46 MB
So You're Living In A Police State - 35 MB
So You're Living In A Police State - 22 MB
MP3 - So You're Living In A Police State - 5 MB
Pretty big accusation, huh? Here's my proof:
"What I want to tell you...Ladies and Gentlemen...That there's not enough troops in the force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches."
-- Strom Thurman, 1948."When Strom Thurman ran for president, we voted for him! We're proud of it! And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all of these problems over all of these years either."
-- Trent Lott, December, 2002."If we had elected this man 30 years ago, we wouldn't be in the mess we are today."
-- Trent Lott, 1980.
Strom Thurman, Racist. Trent Lott, Thurman Supporter
(Right mouse click and "save" to download and play the file off of your hard drive.)
Another history lesson, courtesy of the most excellent Daily Show!
Strom Thurman in 1948:
Trent Lott in 1980:
Jon Stewart's Daily Show is one of the best things on television right now. Lately, the shows are so newsworthy and informative (besides being totally hilarious) that I've decided to start showing clips from them here. (Now that I am set up to do so by recording from my TiVO into my camera and then capturing that into my computer and generating a quicktime from that.)
My first creation is a three minute montage made up of clips from some of last week's sequences on Henry Kissinger, the recent appointee to chair the Shrub's committee to investigate 911 (57 MB):
The Daily Show On Kissinger (from 12/04/02) (MP4 - 10 MB)
Update: 10/23/03 - new format that should work better for everyone and play within the browser.
Note: Let me know if these videos work for everyone ok? And if not, what platform and application you're using to view it, etc. I'm trying to figure out what set of formats I need to provide my footage can be accessible to everyone.
I'm also ready to help walk you through the process if need be getting set up to view video if you're not already so you can follow along on my various video expeditions.
So please email me at if you're having trouble of any kind. Thanks!