July 06, 2005
How Do You Create French Accents In Illustrator?

Hey I'm wondering if anyone knows how to generate special characters in Adobe Illustrator.


Update 7/7/05 9:53 pm -- you guys are the greatest - by 1:51 am this morning - I had the answer to this. (Thanks Carl and Bill!):

é option-e followed by e
è option-` followed by e
ê option-i followed by e
ç option-c
á option-e followed by a

what would I do without cha? :-)

Posted by Lisa at 11:41 PM
July 03, 2005
Where's The Good CC Licensed Stuff?

I'm producing a new weekly podcast for RU Sirius' new venture, Mondo Globo. The focus will be a combination of Copyright developments and Creative Commons licensed works.

I've been fishing around all the directories for good stuff, and I've found a few gems, but it's slow moving listening to every track one by one.

Then I remembered that I should ask you to send me links to CC-licensed stuff you already know is good.

Hand it over! :-)

Okay thanks,


Posted by Lisa at 08:25 AM
52 House Members file FOIA Request For Downing Street Minute Docs

On June 30, 2005, Representative John Conyers (you may remember him as one of the few congressmen who actually investigated the numerous voting irregularities in the 2004 Presidential Election), along with 51 other members of Congress, have filed a FOIA request seeking any and all documents and materials concerning the Downing Street Minutes and the lead up to the Iraq War. They also requested that hearings commence on the Downing Street Minutes.

Boy, I sure hope this thing picks up steam.

Here's the article in RAW Story that contains a scan of the request itself (5 pages with all the signatures).

I've also loaded the scans to my server here.

Posted by Lisa at 07:42 AM