March 19, 2005
I got some help with mirroring - stuff will go up tomorrow

thanks guys

Posted by Lisa at 08:57 AM
March 15, 2005
Lessig On West Wing

Man I hate to even link to this, because it's such crap. But I was as curious as the next guy, and Aaron Snitzer was nice enough to send me the clip, so
here it is.

(Please download it to your hard drive and watch it, due to my current bandwidth restrictions. And somebody, make a torrent file right away :-) Update: Here's the torrent - thanks to Ask Bjørn Hansen!

And now, a brief rant about what a sorry-excuse-for-a-portrayal-of-larry-lessig this is. I haven't read anything that Larry's written on his blog about it yet, but I'm sure, due to his tendency for tact, he didn't say what I really needed to be said.

Well I haven't gone off on anything for a while, so here goes:

They've got Larry as a stuffy 60-year old pompus ass -- kiss ass that is -- as his staff watches in disbelief (he's got more important things to do, apparently), the President takes five minutes of his valuable time to shoot the shit about a topic that he otherwise doesn't think about much: the constitution.

Whoever cast and directed Christopher Lloyd (disclaimer: Christopher, I love you. You're a great actor, and I know you were just doing your job. This is not meant as a personal attack on you in any way!)
could have at least watched a single minute of one of the billions of videos of Larry that are online in order to get his look and accent correctly. (When did Larry pick up that Masterpiece Theatre accent? I guess all of us constitution-lovers talk like we're in I Claudius all the time while spending our time hanging around important people, hoping to be taken seriously.)

The idea that Larry is some old man who hangs around leaders hoping to have esoteric conversations couldn't be further from the truth. Larry is a 40-something spring chicken who is up to his neck in current events -- like the current and relevant dilemma we happen to be in regarding our constitution being used as toilet paper by the current administration.

And he's doing this in the courts -- not by hanging around presidents that couldn't give a shit, trying to convince them of anything. Or travelling around the world, waiting for constitutions to be written (since there's no hope for ours anymore).

Making him 20 years older was a nice touch. It lets us know that West Wing didn't even spend five minutes fact checking. We're lucky they got his name right!

OK I'm done now. Go see this crap for yourself.

Sorry Larry, but it's still (historically-inaccurate-unresearched-tv) history, and, for that reason, it belongs in the archive.

I hope you at least sold a few more books when it was all over. They did at least plug the book! Thank god for small favors.

Posted by Lisa at 07:53 AM
March 14, 2005
Really Guys, I Need Your Help

So I've got a situation now where as soon as I post anything good, my server gets taken out. This is a server I need to USE every day for all sorts of stuff, so having it taken out every time a post isn't really an option.

I've got a TON of new stuff all ready to post, and I'm basically afraid to because of this issue.

Several of you have offerred to help me torrent in the past. Please materialize again so that I can start making clips available for everyone again.

Another option might be temporary mirrors. If you'd like to donate some space for (hopefully) this week only, this is the stuff I'm trying to post:

1) Daily Show clip from Feb 16 on bloggers.
2) Lewis black clip from Feb 16
3) Frontline clips (3 five minute clips) on the meat industry
4) Larry Lessig's west wing clip
5) 60 minutes on Tom Delay

If you'd like to volunteer to mirror a clip for me, then I could post the clip that goes with it.

Otherwise, I'll have to trickle these out over the next week or two, I guess.

talk to me people.



Posted by Lisa at 08:01 AM
March 13, 2005
Trying To Set Up Blog Torrent

So I'm trying to set up a blog torrent server so the world will be a better place for everyone. And I've followed the instructions so far (download the zip file, unzip it, upload it to a directory on your server). And now I sort of don't know what to do.

Am I done guys? Do these things just generate themselves now? :-)



Posted by Lisa at 05:19 PM
March 10, 2005
Does Anyone Have The Lessig West Wing Episode?

Hi guys,

I'm trying to locate either a small clip or the entire West Wing episode where Larry Lessig is portrayed.

I've been contacted by a lot of folks looking for it, and I'd love to have it in the library, so please gimmie a ping if you have it and we can coordinate getting me a copy so I can make it available for everyone.



Posted by Lisa at 10:21 AM
Tell Me What The Best "Family Tree" Program Is

Well, it's that time again folks. Time for me to ask you guys about a couple things I'm looking for, so you can save me a bunch of time looking.

The first thing I'm looking for is some advice on a Family Tree program.

You know the kind, it lets you enter in a bunch of relatives and then generates a family tree map from the information.

Thanks in advance for the great advice :-)


Posted by Lisa at 10:17 AM
March 08, 2005
Stephen Colbert On NPR's Fresh Air

This is from the January 24, 2005 program of Fresh Air with Terry Gross.

It's pretty cool. Colbert discusses his ideology and protocol for comedy. Specifically, what he considers fair comedy, and what kinds of comedy aren't allowed. He has rules. Neat interview. Check it out.

Stephen Colbert On Fresh Air - Part 1 of 2
(MP3 - 26 MB)

Stephen Colbert On Fresh Air - Part 2 of 2
(MP3 - 22 MB)

Posted by Lisa at 05:27 PM
March 07, 2005
Wide Hive's DJ Zeph - Sunset Scavenger Voted #1 Album Of 2004 By Village Voice Critic Pete Babb

Thanks Pete!

Remember that it's "Sunset Salvage" now :-) since we got sued.

Here are some free MP3s if you want to check it out.

Village Voice Critic's Poll For 2004

Posted by Lisa at 05:31 PM