After receiving numerous letters and offers of solutions and technical expertise, I've decided to implement a few technical solutions rather than taking comments down completely.
Apparently, my blog without comments is a completely unacceptable scenario for most of you. This warms my heart, for it is indeed a cornerstone of this community that anyone can post and contribute to the discussion.
So this week I'll be implementing the MT-Blacklist module, among other techniques that have been passed on to me. I'm going to document the process from beginning to end -- even though doing so my help the spammers try to beat it. We've all got to work together and learn from each other on this one.
Talk soon...
ps. I'm still getting my act together in general this month, but the Daily Show Clips, Bill Moyers Clips, and other goodies will be up soon!
I am forced to turn off comments on my site because they are being abused by spammers. So sad to have to do that :-(