My Music - Upcoming Shows
June 16, 2007
Might Have A Big Show On September 9th - Wanna Play On The Bill?

Update 6/30/07 -- I have some leads so this is a go, for now.... More soon!

So in the heat of the moment after my set last week at Ireland's 32, I agreed to headline on a Sunday night and bring in other bands to fill up the evening.

The night is Sunday, September 9th.

Now I'm worried that I might be too busy to pull this off...unless...we make a big party out of it and have a lot of different people playing, say, 4 or 5 songs each, over the course of an evening...

Then it could be fun :-)

So I'm going to give it a try. Starting today, email me at with some samples of your music -- or videos of you performing if you do something other than play music - I'm not trying to pass judgement, just want to hear some songs that show, ya know, you have some :-)

And if I can get 10 people/bands signed up over the next two weeks, I'll do it.

Otherwise, I'm gonna shy away from it I think. Potentially too time consuming, and I'm about to dive into another big project that will, if all goes well, take over my life for a while.

So if you want a chance to play a cool Irish Bar on a Sunday night in SF, lemme know.

I'm really interested in all kinds of performers. Musicians of course, but i was also thinking about bringing in some performance art folks, poets, etc. I don't know. I would just need a lot of people to keep it interesting and make it so more than the friends of people performing might want to show up.

But I need 10 people/bands minimum to really consider it -- since they want music from like 6-7 pm till midnight or so...

I'll be putting video of my show up soon, so you can see the stage, layout. The sound was great too, i thought.

Ok thanks!

Posted by Lisa at June 16, 2007 02:08 PM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)