January 30, 2005
DVD Stuck In My CD Tray - OSX Can't Even See My Player Anymore

Update 1:55 pm: A reader suggested I turn my machine off for a minute, then restarted holding down the "C" key so it would try to boot from the disc, when it didn't find the system disc it was looking for, it asked me if I wanted to eject it.

Turns out that Mac drivers don't get blown away (like PC drivers can), but they can sort of get "forgotten" till the system does a sort of check and kicks them back in.

Thanks again for being such great readers that always seem to be willing to help me out when I get stuck. What would I do without ya :-)

Hey guys, Tech support question here.

I put in a DVD and was trying to use utilities to burn an image and make a copy, when (all of a sudden...pow!) no seriously, it wasn't quite that exciting, but it is holding me up on a number of projects now: my dual G4 can't see the Superdrive.

How do I reinstall the drivers? I tried to eject it from the firmware and reboot holding down the mouse and all the stuff that "help" suggests. I googled till I was blue in the face, and now I ask for your wisdom to save the day.

Thanks in advance for emailing me at with a possible solution.


Posted by Lisa at January 30, 2005 11:07 AM | TrackBack
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