Election 2004 - Vote Switching Software
December 14, 2004
Yang Enterprises Defends Itself

In the interest of being fair and balanced :-)

I thought it was important to post the Official Statement on the vote switching allegations from Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI).

To: Friends of YEI and Other Interested Parties

Re: Clinton Curtis

Thank you for the many e-mail messages and telephone calls showing support for YEI during the past weeks. Your interest in and support of YEI is greatly appreciated!

The following statements reflect the position of YEI regarding Mr. Curtis and the allegations made by him against the corporation. Although it is YEI's position that the malicious allegations made by Mr. Curtis against private citizens have no basis in fact, those allegations are not addressed in this response.

1. The allegations made in Mr. Curtis's "affidavit" and elsewhere regarding YEI are categorically untrue and fail the most basic "smell" and logic tests.

2. Mr. Curtis's background includes sworn allegations by a former employer, other than YEI, implicating Mr. Curtis in a corrupt and dishonest scheme.

3. Mr. Curtis has unsuccessfully sued YEI in the past, making spurious and wild accusations, and none of his claims against YEI have been determined to have merit.

4. Mr. Nee has never been an employee of YEI.

5. Touch screen voting was first used in Florida in 2001 in a local municipal election. Mr. Curtis's allegations simply don't add up. A document regarding State of Florida elections can be found at

6. YEI is not under investigation by the FBI, and no YEI owners, officers or employees have been arrested. In fact, the officers, including owners, of YEI possess Top Secret Clearances that require thorough investigation of an individual and his/her background.

7. All of YEI's government contracts were awarded through open competition.

We are confident in our opinion that Mr. Curtis will ultimately be exposed as a fraud. Until then and always, thank you for your support.

Posted by Lisa at December 14, 2004 11:04 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

Hi there,
I know that this is not the right place to post this but I didnt know where else to, lol. I would love to watch your movies, the ones from the daily show, but it just doesnt work :-((
I downloaded quicktime player, I also use Winamp and Windows media player and it just wont run. Always tells me that the programm dosnt know or cant play the file?? What can i do???? Please help, lol
Thanks Rob

Posted by: Robin Haas on December 15, 2004 02:28 PM

Check out S.T.O.M.P. Favorite of Tom Feeney (R-FL.) Feeney is top gun for questionable election and Pro-Life projects.

S.T.O.M.P. is billed as normal G.O.P. voter registration, but that is not quite accurate. All voter registration for legitimate projects goes through R.N.C., so that voter info gets to their central database. In the southeast U.S. that is Ralph Reed's thoroughly professional campaign system.

Leaves the question: what is S.T.O.M.P. ?

A gateway for Pro-Life activists to get into "black" election operations ?

"veteransforkerry" Group at Yahoo ---

Posted by: veteransforkerry on December 20, 2004 06:54 AM
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