Election 2004 - Aftermath
November 05, 2004
Serious Numbers Comparison Between The Results From Electronic and Optical Voting Machines In Florida

Well, I said I wanted numbers. Here are a lot of them. Now I've got to figure out what all this means. (Yes, I'll update this post.)

Looks like the Repubs have done particularly well in the E-voting districts.

What a surprise.

There are also a number of other links with different perspectives of looking at the data towards the bottom of the page.

Surprising Pattern of Florida's Election Results

Look at the Percent Change columns
Explanation, Sources, and Graphical Plots are Below the Chart
by Kathy Dopp, kathy@directell.com, Wednesday November 3, 2004

Here's a link to my own version of this HTML table page in case the link goes bad:


My version:

Posted by Lisa at November 05, 2004 05:24 PM | TrackBack
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