Election 2004 - Of Interest
November 02, 2004
Daily Show Comedy Clips From November 1, 2004 - Including An Interview With Fox News' Chris Wallace

These clips are from the November 1, 2004 program.

Daily Show Comedy Clips and Interviews For November 1, 2004

Included in these (6) clips:

Jon Stewart Telling Us To Get out there and VOTE!

A two part interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace
(where he explains that Fox has a four person panel now that has to decide unanimously before a winner can be declared.)

Kerry and Bush respond to Bin Laden's new tape

Cheney, Chelsea, Bruce and Arnold On The Campaign Trail

A voting report from Ed Helms and Stephen Colbert

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

Posted by Lisa at November 02, 2004 03:31 AM | TrackBack
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