Adventures in Hacktivism
November 17, 2003
Come To The Protest/Press Conference Wednesday At Noon In San Francisco

The schmuks running this country are about to do it all over again. They are requiring a second round of immigrant special registrations.


Wish I had more time to elaborate. But I'll just see you at noon on Wednesday.

Refuse & Resist has endorsed the opposition to the special INS registrations - has part of taking on the whole reactionary agenda! Please get your friends and co workers to come out on Wed Nov 19th - Support our Arab, Muslims and South Asian brothers and sisters!

Remember what happened in World War 2 to the Japanese Americans - what would you have done then, what will you do now?


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2003 BICE (INS) BUILDING, WASHINGTON AND SANSOME, San Francisco 11 AM TO 1 PM (Press conference at 12 noon).

The Dept. of "Homeland Security" Special Re-registrations of men and boys from 24 mainly Muslim countries has already begun again this month. Last year special registration meant humiliation, detentions and brutality for many of the nearly 90,000 who came in to register. This program has created fear, anxiety, frustration and despair in the Arab and Muslim communities, causing great distress to wives, children and relatives as reported by the American Muslim Voice nationwide hotline. Last year, registerees were fingerprinted, photographed, and had to turn over bankcards, social security cards, driver's licenses, credit cards and other information. Every time they left the country they were required to get an exit stamp and re-register upon return. And in the end, about 13,000 men are facing deportation proceedings! The pettiest of visa violations, even those caused by INS incompetence are now tearing families apart.

Now the same people who registered last year are being registered again.

Last year the protest of Iranians in Los Angeles in December and opposition in the streets in January across the country, brought the reality of this ugly program to light. These actions drew attention to the fact that the 1940s Alien Registration Act foreshadowed the round up and detention of 120,000 Japanese Americans. Registration also preceded the round up of Jews in Europe. This year, as the ACLU has pointed out, the secrecy surrounding registration has all the markings of a TRAP, by which those who do not realize they have to register or miss a deadline will be subject to deportation. The Blue Triangle Network in close association with American Muslim Voice and many other organizations is calling for a rally and press conference Wednesday, Nov. 19 to denounce special re-registration, demand an end to it, and stand in solidarity with people subjected to it. Please join this effort and PASS THE WORD.

Posted by Lisa at November 17, 2003 09:03 AM | TrackBack
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