Daily Show Comedy Clips
October 31, 2003
Rob Courddry On The Shrub's Blaming The Navy For "The Sign"

This clip was shown after this clip on October 29, 2003.

In this clip, Rob Courddry probes further into the familiar pattern of the Shrub's blaming his mistakes on other agencies he, theoretically, has complete control over as Commander In Chief.

For example, it was the CIA's fault about the faulty WMD intelligence that was included in his State Of The Union Address. Now it's the Navy's fault for following orders and hanging up the "Mission Accomplished" sign at his May 1 press conference.

Rob Courddry On "The Sign"
(Small - 6 MB)

(Below: What the sign said.)

(Below: What they meant for the sign to say.)

The Daily Show
(The best news on television.)

Posted by Lisa at October 31, 2003 08:16 AM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

Did anyone else get that bit of swearing at the end as a very subtle jab at Bill O'Reilly? or am I just imagining things.


Posted by: s woodside on November 1, 2003 12:09 AM
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