This is from the September 23, 2003 program.
This is more information than I saw on the "traditional" news channels last week about the Shrub's plea to the U.N. for more money for his Shrub War.
Jon Stewart sums it up nicely: "We were right. You were wrong. Give us Money."
I mean it's only fair, right? Why should only Americans die in this senseless occupation?
There are also some bizarre references to "sex tourism" that I don't fully understand, and some interesting information about the Iraqi police force that isn't forming as quickly as hoped. They're trying to build a police force of 40,000, and so far they've got 800!
Daily Show On Shrub Plea To U.N. For Soldiers and Money (Small - 10 MB)
The Daily Show. (The best news on television.)
From Billmon's blog, 23 Sept 2003 (
Bush UN speech paragraph count:
Famine: 1
Weapons proliferation: 8
Sex trade: 10
I guess he understands what sells.
Posted by: C Lake on October 6, 2003 01:45 PM