Adventures in Hacktivism
September 15, 2003
Protest Against The Recall Tomorrow In Berkeley at NOON and San Francisco at 2:00 PM

Thanks again, Bobby, for being so on top of things!


I know it sounds like the Courts are going to push the recall back a few months, but there is still a week before the Supreme Court will finally decide and it is important to keep the anti-recall momentum going forward.

SO.........Why don't YOU show up at Sproul Plaza (Bancroft/Telegraph in Berkeley on the UC Campus) at noon or stop by the Third Baptist Church in SF at 2pm. (The church is at 1399 McAllister Street, at Pierce, in the Western Edition in San Francisco.)

If you want more info, the message MoveOn sent me is below.

But first, a note from Lisa (even though this is "Bobby's Turn" :-)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I will be going to this protest in Berkeley tomorrow.

I have just enough time between my morning and afternoon class at SFSU to take BART out to Berkeley and record the speeches and head back. So you'll get to see the event either way. But it's really important for there to be a huge turnout at these events, so that the Supreme Court will know how we feel and take that into account while it's making its decision.

Jesse Jackson will be there. It ought to be really cool.

Footage will go up promptly tomorrow night. (After I get home from class at 5 and have a chance to upload it.)

Hope to see you there!

Here's the message that MoveOn sent Bobby:

Dear MoveOn member,

This Tuesday, Sept. 16, Rev. Jesse Jackson will be speaking in two locations,
urging voters to vote No on the Recall and No on Prop. 54. In SF, he will be
joined by Governor Davis.

Please join him and show your support for the message.

Wes Boyd, President


Rev. Jackson with Governor Davis in San Francisco

WHERE: Third Baptist Church - 1399 McAllister St. @ Pierce Street

WHEN: 2pm

Contact: Third Baptist Church at 415-346-4426
Hosted by Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Rev. Amos Brown, Third Baptist Church

* or *

Rev. Jackson at UC Berkeley:

WHERE: Sproul Plaza (off Bancroft and Telegraph)

WHEN: Tuesday, September 16, noon - 1pm

Contact for more info: Peter Gee 510-207-9058
Hosted by: Associated Students, California Faculty Association, Stay in
School Program, Coalition for an African American Community Agenda,
Rainbow/Push Coalition, PowerPAC, Justice Matters Institute, Stop
Prop 54 Coalition, Campus Coalition Against 54, & more.

Jesse Jackson will be visiting four college campuses throughout
California this week, and will be kicking it off in the Bay Area
with a visit to UC Berkeley on Tuesday, September 16th, from 12-1pm.
The rally hosted by the UC Berkeley student government will be in
the midst of one of the largest voter registration drives in school
history to register students for the Recall Election. Jesse Jackson
will be speaking to the importance of the upcoming election and the
power that youth have to mobilize and shift the direction of the
election. He will also be speaking to the disastrous impacts
proposition 54 will have on our state, public health, education
and civil rights.

Students from the NO on Proposition 54 coalition have been working
on the campaign for over 10 months and are enthusiastic to have the
Reverend come to campus in the midst of the campaign to speak out
against the proposition.

Posted by Lisa at September 15, 2003 06:47 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

Hi Lisa... I'll look for you and your tell-tale camera...

Posted by: Joseph Hall on September 16, 2003 07:29 AM
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