Fight the Victory Act (formerly DSEA and Patriot II)
September 06, 2003
Ted Koppel On The Dangers Of The Patriot Act

This program was broadcast on September 4, 2003 at 11:30 pm.

Ted Koppel put together an amazing Nightline where he interviewed folks from the ACLU and the Justice Department, among others -- and was able to paint a frighteningly accurate picture of the Patriot Act and its new bastard brother, the Victory Act.

If you've only got a minute, at least watch his closing thoughts on the matter. (Small - 3 MB) (Links to the complete program are located below.)

The men who drafted our constitution, who framed our civil rights and protected our various freedoms under the law would, I suspect, retch at some of the bone headed, self-serving, misinterpretations of their intentions that they so often use these days to undermine the very freedoms they pretend to safeguard. The miracle of American Law is not that it protects popular speech, or the privacy of the powerful, or the homes of the priviledged, but rather, that the least among us, those with the fewest defenses thoses suspected of the worst crimes -- the most despised in our midst, are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

That remains as revolutionary a concept now as it was in the 1780s. It makes protecting the country against terrorism excruciatingly difficult, but we cannot arbitrarily suspend the rights of one catagory of suspects without endangering all the others.

Also of particular interest was the interview with Barbara Comstock, Director of Public Affairs for the Justice Department. Ted Koppel wanted to know why everything had to be kept secret. Why your medical records could be obtained without your being notified, etc. She kept bringing up the "al qaeda safe house," which Ted finally told her "your floggin that Al Queda safe house to death Ms. Comstock."

Ted also had to keep correcting Comstock by inserting the word "suspected" when she was talking about who the Patriot Act was being routinely used against. ("Suspected" terrorists and "suspected" enemy combatants.) She just couldn't stop forgetting that these people were only suspects. That whole innocent until proven guilty thing kept slipping her mind.

Here's a partial transcript from the end of the interview. I've created a small clip of this. (Complete versions located below.):

"What I'm asking is, since we are in agreement is that what we are talking about is that these people are people who are "suspects." None of these people is a confirmed terrorist here. If you have a confirmed terrorist, I guarantee you, everyone who is watching tonight is going to applaud you and say "way to go." But we are still dealing with people here who are suspected of something..." Koppel said.

"Sure." she said.

"..and who therefore presumably have the same rights as any other American citizen, if they are citizens." Koppel said.

Then later...

"How do we define who falls under the provisions of this act as distinct from the normal protections that exist for American citizens? Is it just that you define it? You define someone as being a suspect associated with terrorism? And if you can make a case to a court than you can lift some of the restrictions that would otherwise apply?" Koppel asked.

"Well the restrictions that would otherwise apply are still there. What it is is that we are operating under the same type of legal structures that we have always operated under, but now we're able to..." Comstock said.

"Well not quite. I mean there are some people, obviously, who have been put in jail and who aren't even permitted to have attorneys or who are not permitted to talk with their families. Now we are talking about people who. (stops) Right?" Koppel said.

"That's has nothing to do with the Patriot Act. That's actually "enemy combatants" that are outside the Justice Department per view. And that is the President's authority at war powers." Comstock said.

"Suspected, enemy combatants." Koppel said.

"But those are...actually they've been designated as enemy combatants." Comstock said.

"Well, designated without a trial." Koppel said.

"Yes." She replied.

Here's the whole show in "complete" and "parts 1 and 2" versions:

Nightline - The Patriot Act - Part 1 of 2
(Small - 26 MB)

Nightline - The Patriot Act - Part 1 of 2
(Small - 26 MB)
Nightline - The Patriot Act - Complete (Small - 52 MB)

I've also provided a clip of the cool ACLU commercial that was aired during the broadcast. (Small - 2 MB)

Posted by Lisa at September 06, 2003 10:18 AM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

thank god the press is finally waking up and smelling the coffee. Those who would sell their freedoms for a little security, deserve neither.

Posted by: Shaun on September 6, 2003 02:50 PM

Thanks so much for posting this awesome broadcast and advertisment.

Posted by: Caitlin on September 6, 2003 07:19 PM

Benjamin Franklin-
"Those who would sell their freedoms for a little security, deserve neither."

When you quote someone Shaun, at least credit them.


Posted by: Xander on September 6, 2003 07:39 PM

Those who carry on the work of our nation's founders are the true patriots. We cannot allow the Radical Right Elitists -- the butchers of our Constitution, the war profiteers -- to commandeer the vocabulary and imagery of patriotism. Take back the Constitution! Take back Civil Rights! Take back the media! Speak out the Truth at every opportunity. Oppose mendacity. Remember: We are living patriots defending our nation from a very real threat within. Act out, act non-violently, but act now, act often, or perish with the meek. Take care, friends, and be well.

Posted by: Bill Newman on September 7, 2003 04:20 AM

Those who carry on the work of our nation's founders are the true patriots. We cannot allow the Radical Right Elitists -- the butchers of our Constitution, the war profiteers -- to commandeer the vocabulary and imagery of patriotism. Take back the Constitution! Take back Civil Rights! Take back the media! Speak out the Truth at every opportunity. Oppose mendacity. Remember: We are living patriots defending our nation from a very real threat within. Act out, act non-violently, but act now, act often, or perish with the meek. Take care, friends, and be well.

Posted by: Bill Newman on September 7, 2003 08:34 AM

Firstly, I'm from the UK....

It is incredibly refreshing to see the American media starting to pay attention to the issues raised by the Patriot Act and the detention of suspected Al-Queda combatants.

The ACLU would win huge international kudos if it highlights the legal limbo in which these people exist, outside the stern eye of the US legal system. We here in Europe have been deeply concerned by the treatment and position that these prisioners have been placed - some might say that "its none of our business", but remember that some of our citizens are locked up in Cuba, and they are denied access to the full services of our governments.

However, seeds of dissent amongst national media shows go a long way towards restoring my faith in the USA, faith that has been so badly battered in the actions following 9/11.

Posted by: James Coyle on September 7, 2003 03:28 PM

I think anyone who cares about the Franklin quote is already familiar with the author, pedant.

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." is the full quote. I think the message is perhaps more important than the author, and it's an idea that's been expressed by more than one person. Do you teach English part-time or what?

Posted by: Craniac on September 7, 2003 09:34 PM

I don't watch TV as of 9/11 because I got sick of all the garbage that was disguised as news. A friend sent me this link and I have new faith that the truth will eventually make its way to mainstream America and start forcing them to form some real opinions.

Thanks for the site.

Posted by: D6Veteran on September 8, 2003 09:40 AM

Lisa, this is an OUTSTANDING example of how to use the internet and its tools to maximum effect concerning the "war" on our liberties here in America. I applaude the message and how well you've made it easy and available for all to access (if they have a computer). A link to this page is going out to all my friends on the internet. Thank you for creating this.

Posted by: Sam Park on September 8, 2003 12:26 PM

Lisa, this is an OUTSTANDING example of how to use the internet and its tools to maximum effect concerning the "war" on our liberties here in America. I applaude the message and how well you've made it easy and available for all to access (if they have a computer). A link to this page is going out to all my friends on the internet. Thank you for creating this.

Posted by: Sam Park on September 8, 2003 12:27 PM


We continue to support your work at

Keep up the great work!


Posted by: Adrian Cahill on September 8, 2003 04:37 PM

lisa, thank you a million times for providing access to this segment. i too am thankful the news media is waking up again.

Posted by: jason.clark on September 9, 2003 06:10 AM

Although it has taken awhile and there are many still imprisioned for no reason this gives a ray of hope for the future. Having the major media finally grow some cojones...I think that we need to encourage them to continue speaking out and Thank you Losa for making this available.

Posted by: maggie bagon on September 9, 2003 08:24 AM

Although it has taken awhile and there are many still imprisioned for no reason this gives a ray of hope for the future. Having the major media finally grow some cojones...I think that we need to encourage them to continue speaking out and Thank you Losa for making this available.

Posted by: maggie bagon on September 9, 2003 08:24 AM

John Ashcroft made a visit to Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall to promote the Patriot Act. Many Boston-area residents came to the Hall to let Ashcroft know they did not support his overreaching in the fight against terrorism.

Photos here:

Posted by: Eric Rolph on September 10, 2003 03:33 AM






Posted by: Don Gleichman on September 12, 2003 08:06 AM

A big thank you to Congress and General Ashcroft for allowing our intelligence services to use the same techniques we us against the mafia and druggies against the terrorist who would murder us and our children.

Mr. Koppels closing comment " I stand corrected " applies to most of the rhetoric against the Patriot Act.

Even if it were the case, I would give up some civil liberties to protect us from more terrorist attacks.

It is simply amazing that we have not been attacked since 9/11. That in large part is due to the Patriot Act.

Posted by: Don Gleichman on September 12, 2003 08:59 AM

Sorry for the double posting. I got server errors both times and didn't realize it had gotten through.

Posted by: John Moore (Useful Fools) on September 12, 2003 03:36 PM

Thanks for posting all this. I saw this episode and was standing in my living room clapping at my T.V. I thought I would never get to see it again. Now I can share it with everyone. Much Love.

Posted by: Dave Haag on October 13, 2003 12:05 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Dear Ted Koppel.

Just a couple of days ago I came across some information that could very well proof to be of interest to you. The issue at hand is regarding the hidden intentions and the behind the curtain playing facts, in further delaying 'free' elections in Iraq.
I wish not to insult your intelligence, for perhaps I am not telling you something you don't know already. Nevertheless the following book may be of considerable interest to you.
It just may save you and your constituents some huge annoyance!

"Bush in Babylon: The Recolonization of Iraq", Ali, Tariq (2003)
ISBN: 1-85984-583-5

Best wishes in all our efforts toward World peace.

Sincerely, Helmut Eckart.

Posted by: Helmut Eckart on October 15, 2003 09:28 PM

Freedom vs Security; Freedom is a cage without any Bars! Security is a cage with too many Bars! Which cage do you prefer?

To have True Freedom one must sacrifice a measure of Security! To have True Security, one must sacrifice a measure of Freedom!

Consider the Following;

Freedom is a Very Dangerous place to Live.

America. July 16, 2025;

America is a truly Secure Nation! Always have your Citizen ID card, Walking Permits, & other important Papers on your person at all times!

I any Court of Law the Accused shall be considered Guilty until Proven Innocent . Ignorance of any of the 50 Trillion laws is NOT an Excuse! (Everyone should know- by heart- that; it is a Class 1 Felony to wear a green shirt with brown shoes and denim trousers on Wednesday! Duh!)

Cats are a serious threat to Native Wildlife ! It is a Felony offense to Own, Sell, or Breed Cats. Permits will not be issued. If you own a Cat, you must keep your permits readily available at all times!

Dogs are a serious Danger to small Children. You must hold a valid Federal Permit to own a Dog. Your Animal Containment Facility (ACF) will be subject to regular unscheduled inspections.

In accordance with the Endangered Species Protection Treaty of 2013, It is a Felony to Own, Sell, or Breed Parrots. No Permits will be available. Contact your local wildlife management department for Permit applications.

It is a Felony offense to Own, Sell, Or Breed any Exotic animals without duly issued Permits. No Permits are Available for this purpose. Contact your local wildlife management department for Permit applications.

The United States of America is the Freest nation on Earth. America is a Nation of Laws. Freedom without rule of Law is Anarchy! Millions of brave soldiers fought and died to preserve your Freedom! Honor them by obeying the Government’s edicts-no matter how unconstitutional they seem. And Remember; It is a Felony Offense to Disagree with the Federal Government!(Art. 666~P. 66~ Ln. 6)

This Message brought to you by the "The Patriot Act". Securing the nation for You and your Children!

Posted by: Sam Free Eagle on February 12, 2004 04:43 PM

In my observation, I think a lot of Americans doesn't give a hoots about their individual freedom. The 9-11 scare did a great number to these people.

Those people who perpetrated the murders have already won half their battle by injecting fear to those who are supporting the Patriot Act. How stupid it is to say that you're giving up your civil liberties because you're scared. How could this possibly scare us? We have the mightiest military power in the world...

Posted by: Jovito M. Osias, Jr. on March 25, 2004 01:20 PM

Dear Mr. Koppel and fellow Americans,

Let's get a few facts straight please. Enemy combatant is a term used to denote the status of individuals in armed conflict. The Law of Armed Conflict and the Status of persons engaged in War articles in the Geneva Convention provide this designation. NOT THE US COURT SYSTEM.

Further, there is no such thing as a "suspected" enemy combatant. You either are or are not. Non US citizens engaged in these activites are subject to treatment outlined as POWs under the articles in the Geneva Convention. US citizens may be "suspects" and tried for TREASON.

Let me ask my liberal friends, what crimes did the highjackers commit prior to taking aircraft and driving them into civilian work places?

Now ask yourself, what legal methods were in place prior to 9-11 that could have stopped them?

What legal methods were in place to trace, track and "arrest" them?

Need a hearing in Congress on intelligence perhaps? Want to invite Dick Clark? Guess what? Look up NSPD-5 on the internet!!!! Make up your minds, either you want methods to stop terrorists via intelligence or you don't!

Posted by: Andre Provoncha on April 20, 2004 12:56 PM

Our founding fathers said that our national security comes before our freedoms. Because without America their are no freedoms.
If reading my emails are going to protect my country then by damn read them. If you bastards have nothing to hide then what is the problem.
You say that the Right Wing is taking away you freedom. Ha the Liberals have been trying to take it away for years. Gun Controll, rasing taxes on the middle class, my God they even tell us when we can take a shit. You bastards are so far out in left field it is sad. Maybe one day you left wing extremist will wake up.

Posted by: Jamie on April 29, 2004 11:37 AM

Got a question for you .... if we only apply programs like the Patriot Act to known (as opposed to "suspected") terrorists, then we must wait for the act of terrorism to occur .... right?

It would seem that a preemtive program would be in our best interests (fewer casualties, you see)... but this is consistently lost on people like you and Koppel ... and the Nightline debacle featuring the blatant abuse of familes who have lost loved ones featuring the names and faces read and displayed for partisan motives will achieve the ultimate low in TV bullshit.

Posted by: viewer on April 30, 2004 09:05 AM


The issue at hand, John Kerry is UNFIT. along with many of his democratic liberal buddies have a diseased perception of reality and are conscienceless or do they know exactly what they are doing. John F. (Failure) Kerry a Traitor and a Lair, I think so...The record shows he is a phony.

The cheap shots and untruths by John F. (Failure) Kerry remind of the Altered Consciences of Liberal Un-americans (ACLU) who are to distorying the moral fabric of America.

We stand with President George W.(Winner) Bush, a great number of veterans and sincere people are standing up to the John F. (Failure) Kerrys ego trip as a self proclaimed leader that he thinks he is!

It may be wise to take a look into your own conscience and WAKE UP AMERICA and smell the roses. This Great Nation is not built upon lies and a traitor as is Kerry. He has a plan alright, His plan will destory AMERICA. A Flip/ Flop man is unstable in ALL HIS WAYS...

Could it be the patriot act is to protect this nation from people like John F.(Failure) Kerry and the ACLU?



This proposal should be written into the Law of the United States of America

Part One

Any person who intentionally goes to another country and brings discredit upon this nation shall be prohibited from holding any political office in the United States of America.

Part Two

Any military person who intentionally goes to another country for the purpose to meet with the enemies of this country and bring discredit upon this nation and our military shall stand trial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and be forever prohibited from holding political office in the United States of America.

My FREEDOM of SPEECH while we still have it!


Posted by: Citizen of the United States of America on October 20, 2004 07:00 AM
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