Aftermath Election 2002
August 10, 2003
Awesome Animation On How Katherine Harris Rigged The Already-Faulty Voting Purge Lists In Florida From 8,000 to 58,000 Voters

...with a little help from Florida's 1998 Voter Reform Law.

Here's an awesome video/animation from Eric Blumrich w/music from Grand Theft Auto:

Grand Theft America

Time's ticking away guys, we've got to do something or they're just going to do it again in 2004.

This animation was based on findings in Greg Palast's report:

Theft Of The Presidency

There's real video of it available too.

(Thanks, Jason)

Posted by Lisa at August 10, 2003 08:32 AM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

The whole animation site's great, Lisa. I plugged it about a week ago. Neat stuff!

Posted by: Elayne Riggs on August 10, 2003 08:52 AM
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