Library Of Alexandria Bookmobile
July 18, 2003
Day 8 - Mounting The Signage
Day 8

Today was relatviely uneventful. I worked with the library's Graphics department to design the signage for the printing station in the library.

Given the station's assembly line which goes from the huge printer on the left side (when facing the setup) to the smaller equipment to the right, I designed a signage layout that includes a large portrait-oriented poster on the very right of the setup (behind it in front of the plate windows) followed by 3 smaller square posters to the left with a picture of a girl doing each of the bookmaking steps.

We got the library's professional photographer to take photographs of the girl (a student who was reading in the Children's Library (...sorry for the interuption) printing, cutting, and binding an imaginary book.

Posted by Lisa at July 18, 2003 01:26 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)