Howard Dean For President In 2004
June 23, 2003
Video From Ferry Ride In San Francisco With Howard Dean - June 19, 2003

Howard Dean For President in 2004

Here are the photographs from this trip.

I met and spoke with Howard Dean in person last Thursday night on a Ferry ride from San Francisco to Larkspur. (On the way to a pep rally in Larkspur.)

I didn't have a windsock for my microphone, so a lot of the footage on the Ferry is almost inaudible, but I was able to get some great footage with him before and after the ferry ride itself. I've included some clips of the Ferry ride so you can get a feel for what it was like hanging out and talking to him. (I'll have to transcribe later it so you guys can hear what was said on the Ferry.)

As I mentioned before, I'm not going to spend time trying to convincing anyone to vote for Dean.
(Although it would be great if you participated in the MoveOn Primary going on tomorrow through Wednesday, whoever you decide to vote for.)

I'm just letting you guys know who I'm endorsing and why, so you can take that into consideration when deciding for yourself.

Over the coming weeks and months, I'll be providing more details about Dean and his current stance (and past accomplishments that back up that stance) in Health Care, Education, Civil Rights and other domestic issues that I feel are the crux of this election.

Complete and Edited Movies Of Ferry Ride and Speech With Howard Dean

Read the individual description of each. I've created a couple different edits so you can see and hear as little or as much as you want.

First Half Of The Trip

Here's me talking to Howard Dean before he gets on the Ferry to Larkspur. He mentions the 34,000 supporters and Howard Dean TV. He says hello to people in the downstairs cabin and heads out to the front deck of the boat, where he remained for a good part of the ride.
Lisa Rein Talks To Howard Dean (Small - 8 MB)

Second Half Of The Trip

Long Version: The crowd gets off the ferry, my running through the crowd to find a spot to film the speech, and the entire speech itself (give or take a second).
Long Version - Howard Dean In Larkspur (Small - 51 MB)

Short Version - everything included in the "Long Version," but a little less of it.
Shorter Version - Howard Dean In Larkspur (Small - 21 MB)

Highlight Reel: Short Version Of Speech Only

A highlight reel of Howard Dean's Speech
Howard Dean In Larkspur - Highlights (Small - 15 MB)

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)

Posted by Lisa at June 23, 2003 11:35 AM | TrackBack
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