Adventures In Hacktivism - May 29, 2003
June 01, 2003
Medea Benjamin At Clear Channel Protest - San Francisco, May 29, 2003

Medea Benjamin, Founding Director of Global Exchange and co-founder of Code Pink, explained to the crowd how the United States probably have one of the most undemocratic media in the world right now.

Medea discussed how public support of the war in Iraq was largely caused by the steady stream of disinformation that was being broadcast over the popular media. How ironic, she said, that our troops are over on the other side of the world supposedly bringing democracy to another country while we are rapidly losing our own democratic freedoms here at home.

Benjamin goes on to explain that, according to an FCC commissioner that she heard on the radio program "Democracy Now" Thursday morning (May 29, 2003), the FCC has received over 428,000 (four hundred twenty-eight thousand) comments regarding this issue, and that 98% of those were against further relaxation of the FCC's media ownership rules.

Medea Benjamin - Highlights (Small - 6 MB)
Medea Benjamin - Near Complete (Small - 13 MB)
No Hi-res yet, coming me if you need this NOW.

Audio - Medea Benjamin - Near Complete (MP3 - 6 MB)

Public Domain Dedication

This work is dedicated to the
Public Domain. (Take it and run, baby!)

Posted by Lisa at June 01, 2003 01:20 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)