Etech 2003
May 02, 2003
Video, Audio and Photos From Howard Rheingold's Etech 2003 Presentation

Okay so I won't hold up the rest of these clips waiting for the tour pages.

I've still got the rest of ETech to do, then I'm going back to my Spectrum Conference and SXSW 2003 footage.

Here's the Howard Rheingold Etech 2003 presentation. The tour page will go up in a day or so.

I've broken down some of these files for easier download over slower connections.

Howard Rheingold at Etech - Video in two parts:

Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 1 of 2 (Small - 30 MB)
Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 2 of 2 (Small - 50 MB)

Video in three parts:

Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 1 of 3 (Small - 40 MB)
Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 2 of 3 (Small - 40 MB)
Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 3 of 3 (Small - 30 MB)

Audio in two parts:

Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 1 of 2 (MP3 - 35 MB)
Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 2 of 2 (MP3 - 37 MB)

Audio in four parts:

Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 1 of 4 (MP3 - 20 MB)
Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 2 of 4 (MP3 - 20 MB)
Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 3 of 4 (MP3 - 16 MB)
Audio - Howard Rheingold at Etech Part 4 of 4 (MP3 - 17 MB)


Posted by Lisa at May 02, 2003 12:15 PM | TrackBack
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