I'm a big fan of t r u t h o u t.
These guys are a group of human agents that go out and scour the internet for important articles from reputable sources (like the NY Times, Washinton Post, and other "accepted" sources of the mainstream -- so the powers that be can't just say that we saw it in the lefty news).
When I wake up at 6am. My list of articles is waiting in my mailbox for me.
I doubt I could even put a price on the amount of time they save me every day.
But now they're in trouble, and need your help to stay afloat. They provide their service for free to everyone that needs it, and then they ask for those of us with a little money (read: very little these days) to pitch in even $5 or $10 dollars a month to keep them afloat.
The thought of this organization going away when we need it more than ever prompted me to write this pitch on their behalf: help out if you can.
Posted by Lisa at March 21, 2003 07:19 AM | TrackBack